Sunday, August 12, 2012

The big society: virtue of volunteering must be nurtured by government

There is a huge difference between volunteering for a one-off event that will last a few weeks and providing public services in the long term

Your leader "The Games volunteers show us how a big society could really work" makes valuable points about legacy being less about bricks and mortar than in the people who have contributed their time and skills so generously. It is also important to remember that there is a huge difference between volunteering for a one-off event that will last a few weeks and providing public services in the long term.

Your reference to creating "space and structures" is apposite and it is interesting to note that the Games volunteer programme was core-funded by Newham council. To make the big society a reality, we need to build on such existing solid foundations. This will ensure we have a sustainable, effective and motivated volunteer force after the cameras have gone.

Jenny Moran


While I recognise that many Olympic volunteers are hugely enjoying making their contribution, I cannot share Tim Adams's enthusiasm for the concept of volunteer "Games Makers" as a whole. ("How the spirit of the volunteers could be London's greatest legacy").

The Olympic and Paralympic Games are huge undertakings with a great deal of corporate funding. The government is constantly telling us that we have a major problem with people in Britain who are unable to find work and are no longer used to working.

Surely, therefore, for the sake of boosting the esteem of the unemployed and providing them with experience of paid employment it would have been of immense benefit if all the much-needed Olympic tasks had been properly rewarded at minimum wage level or above.

Tim Matthews



The big society and the citizenship programme have immense potential but are in danger of being ruined by the usual government lack of awareness of the nature of the voluntary sector.

Daniel Boffey's article ("Serco set to take charge of 'big society' initiative", News) details vividly the latest ill-founded proposal that will sour the relationship with the volunteer sector that is vital to the government's plans.

Privatising its key initiative ? the National Citizen Service ? is bound to frustrate the government's natural allies. The voluntary sector has two long-standing and well-based bodies that co-ordinate local voluntary activity. The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action pulls together the local councils for voluntary services and similar bodies, while Volunteering England is the equivalent body for volunteer centres. Between them, they are in contact with virtually every organisation that is well able to increase the many voluntary projects that have been in operation long before the big society tag arrived.

The government would do far better to develop the financial and organisational capacity of these existing practitioners, rather than marginalising them.

Michael Meadowcroft


Private company Serco is expected to get the multimillion pound contract to run the National Citizen Service.

Once again, voluntary bodies lose out with one in 10 expected to close within a year. I have just returned from my 38th camp with a local project that takes youngsters who might not otherwise get a holiday.

Next year, we may not be able to afford it. I was present in 2002, when present cabinet member Iain Duncan Smith promised: "We want to bring about a major expansion in the scope of voluntary activities? we want public money to flow to more diverse, innovative and locally run projects."

To retain his integrity, he should resign and campaign to maintain the voluntary sector.

Bob Holman



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