Thursday, August 23, 2012

Detroit Employers Promoting Healthier Living | Workers Comp ...

Detroit workers comp lawyer explains how wellness programs can save employers money and help employees get back to work faster?after an injury.

The Detroit Free Press reports that employers in Metro Detroit are increasingly offering health insurance policies that reward or penalize employees for personal health goals. Twenty-seven percent of local businesses surveyed have started tying incentives, such as lower monthly premiums, to health goals.

Here is another side to the story. We have blogged in the past about wellness programs reducing workers comp costs. Healthier employees are less likely to get hurt and return to work faster after an injury.

We think this is great news and hope more businesses take note. Employee health and?wellness?should always be a top?priority. Here are some other ideas on how businesses in Detroit can save money on workers comp costs.

Treat your employees better

Work accidents are going to happen no matter what safety precautions are in place. Don?t ignore workplace injuries or refuse to let your employees see a doctor. This is short sighted and will only cost your business more money in the long run.

Employers are given sole control over the choice of medical providers for the first 28 days after an injury.? This power should be used wisely and always for the benefit of the employee. The sooner treatment starts the better recovery time.

Most of our clients simply want to recover and get back to work. Honor work restrictions and give your employees a chance to be productive despite injury.? Resist the temptation to offer a demeaning job that involves little more than monitoring an empty parking lot. This will reduce the number of claims seeking extended disability benefits.

Fight insurance company abuse

Insurance companies dispute legitimate workers comp claims all the time. This often occurs against the employer?s wishes. Employers can have a voice in this discussion.

Workers comp is designed to protect both employee and employer interests. You are paying the premiums. If your insurance company refuses to live up to its obligations, help your employee fight back.

Call (855) 221-COMP to speak with one of our workers comp lawyers in Detroit. We will make sure that your business and its employees are treated fairly.

- Alex Berman is the founder of Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers. He?s been representing injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Alex has helped countless people obtain workers comp benefits and never charges a fee to evaluate a case.

Related information:

Injured On The Job: A Guide to Michigan Workers? Compensation Law (FREE BOOK)

- Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by RambergMediaImages.


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