Friday, September 7, 2012

Learn More About Basic Scuba Diving Gear | Under Water Experience

One of the first things people who are interested in scuba diving must do is learn about the various pieces of equipment needed. The list of necessary gear is not very long and it is possible for beginners to rent certain items until they gain more experience. Individuals learning to dive will usually need at the minimum a mask, fins and dive rig.

The mask creates an air pocket around the eyes since the human eye is unable to focus underwater. A mask also encloses the nose to allow the user to adjust to pressure changes in deep water. Tempered glass in the faceplate will not fog up like plastic and will not produce jagged edges if broken. Optional features include a purge valve to eliminate water and prescription lenses for individuals who normally wear contact lenses or glasses.

Divers wear fins on the feet to have a large, flat surface to push water away. Since the legs propel the body through the water, it frees up the hands to explore the surroundings. Some people prefer adjustable fins with an open heel and these require the user to wear wet suit booties for protection. The full foot version slips on like a loafer and is not adjustable.

The rig consists of a tank and dive regulator. The tank is a cylinder containing compressed air. Most tanks are made of steel alloy or aluminum allow. The regulator attaches to the cylinder valve and converts the highly pressurized air to the pressure required for normal breathing.

Many beginners will start out renting a rig until they become familiar with what is available and have the experience needed to choose something for long-term use. The professionals working at a local dive shop can answer questions and help beginners get started. Scuba diving is fun activity for individuals who like a little adventure with their recreation.

  • Open Water Certification (
  • Why do We Scuba Dive (


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