Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Empower Network - Traffic Generation Cafe

empower network reviewIt?s no secret that Traffic Generation Cafe, as awesome and popular as it is, doesn?t make much money.

For some reason, cracking that whole ?make money blogging? nut has been a bit too tough for my teeth.

And then I had a brilliant idea.

I think I might?ve found the hammer to crack that nut after all.

Here?s my new business plan:

I?ll sell you a sub-page at TrafficGenerationCafe.com.

I?ll make it very easy for you:

  • you won?t have to worry about setting up a new blog (since you are buying a blog within a blog);
  • you won?t have to worry about what your blog looks like (I won?t really give you any choices ? there will be only one theme available);
  • you won?t have to worry about any plugins (I?ll make it easy for you ? you won?t have any);
  • and I?ll let you customize your new blog with your picture and bio (of course, my picture will remain at the top of YOUR blog, and I am even thinking of taking my shirt of for that one).

I?ll even make you a deal: you?ll get all of the above for the rock-bottom price of $25/month.

Who?s in?

OK, fine; I?ll sweetened the deal ? you can resell this awesome opportunity to have a subpage on my blog to your family, friends, and even total strangers.

Sounds like a win-win, don?t you think?

Empower Network Fundamentals

What is Empower Network?

?Empower Network is a direct response company, that handles front and back end sales conversions ? and teaches people how to narrow their focus down to one skill: Getting Traffic.

?The fact? Getting Traffic is easy to teach if you take out the technical and management complications that drive the rest of the marketing niche . . . we?ve now existed for 140 days, and have more than 20,109 customers who have bought our blogging system.?

Source http://www.empowernetwork.com/blog/should-you-join-empower-network-objections/

With Empower Network You Will?

  • have a chance to achieve what you couldn?t before (i.e. have a successful business)

?Say goodbye to the complicated barriers that stand in the way of you and a thriving business ?and hello to Automation, Viral Marketing and 100% Commissions.?

?No rules. No hassles. We?ll help you build your business bigger and better so you can do more of things you want, with the people you want to do them with.?

?You can now leverage our ?point and click? marketing system and leverage our ability to market, convert traffic to leads ?and convert those leads to sales. This way, you can stay focused on one thing, and one thing only ? getting traffic.?

?We?ve solved every problem marketers and online entrepreneurs face.?

?We?ve built our entire marketing system around a ?plug and play? process that members can use to generate 100% commissions into their bank account, instantly.?

??you have a ?done for you? marketing system that pays you 100% commissions, directly deposited into your bank account.?

  • making more money you?ve ever made before:

?From this point on, as a member of Empower Network ? you?ll never have to wait for another less than worthy commission check in the mail again, because you can now get paid instant and automatically, directly into your bank account.?

?? just blog daily, tell others ?and learn to get more money in your business, faster.?

?Essentially, you can make ?guru? money ?without being a ?guru?.?

(all the quotes come from various pages of EmpowerNetwork.com site)

Turns out silver bullets do exist.

Silly me? choosing the ?hard? way to build a business.

Who?s behind it?

1. David Wood | Co-Founder and CEO

From his personal bio (reducted):

??impact the world ?transparent ?strait forward ?message of clarity, honesty and hope ?#1 producer in almost every business he built ?impact and influence lives all over the world ?breakthrough business success.?

Side note: notice ? ?strait forward? ? spelling.

Either 1. those boys need to proof-read their copy, or 2. they meant to say what they said, in which case the only definition I could find was in the Urban Dictionary and it?s peculiar.

2. David Sharpe | Co-Founder and President

From his personal bio (reducted):

??struggle and hardship ?homelessness, addiction and personal defeat ?he rose from the ashes to change his life, change the way he viewed the world ?and change the way the world viewed him ?earning more money than ever ?traveling the world and living the life of his dreams.?

Two Cinderella stories indeed.

Good for them, right?

Note to self:

If I ever want to create a fanatic following that blindly buys my ?simple easy solutions to every problem in life?, I need to make sure to tell my rags to riches story about alcoholic parents, no means to exist, and working for everything I ever needed/wanted.

It?s good for business.

Empower Network Products

1. Blogging platform ? $25/month

?For only $25 per month, you get the full monty ? a customizable blog built into the wordpress platform, complete with hosting, sales videos, capture pages ? and if you want, you can even capture the leads into your own auto-responders.?

Just to sum up: for $25/month, you get a blog on Empower Network (which really is a WordPress blog that?s free everywhere else), plus:

  • one theme everyone else has;
  • no additional functionalities to add (like plugins);
  • 8 ?Core Commitments? videos that will try to upsell you on everything.

You do get a few lead capture templates you can drive traffic to ? the same pages used by thousands of other EN members.

2. E-Wallet ? $20/month

EN doesn?t accept PayPal, so unless you have your own payment processor (most marketers don?t), this is your only option if you want to be an affiliate.

3. The Inner Circle Mastermind Membership ? $100/month

?For only $100 per month, you?re going to get the best ongoing audio training you?ve ever heard in your life. We?re interviewing industry Phenom?s who want nothing more than to help you make more money, have a better life, and build your marketing automation machine?

?on complete auto pilot.?

$100/month is on top of $25/month, of course.

4. The Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive ? $500 one time

??which is a eleven-hour online video course shot in HD video quality ? which documents in extensive detail, a live marketing seminar co-founder David Wood hosted for approximately 10 high-level entrepreneurs in mid 2011 which sold for $2,997 when it was offered as a live event to the public, and sold out quickly.?

I wonder what ?approximately 10 high-level entrepreneurs? means?

Did someone not have enough fingers to count to 10?

If they are that high-level and they paid you $3K for your training, the least you could do for them is to remember they were there.

5. 15k per Month Formula ? $1000 one time

See the training section below for a few notes I made on the kind of training $1,000 will buy you.

6. The ?all in? option ? $1625 one time

This option is consistently referred to and encourage throughout ALL the training, videos, splash pages, etc.

To Sum Up?

Empower Network has two objectives:

1. To make you ?guru? money.

2. To teach you how to GET TRAFFIC.

Let?s talk about that.

But before we move on, please:

Show Me the Money

On to the fun stuff:

Making ?guru? money without being a guru.

Compensation Plan

Empower Network compensation plan is very easy.

100% commissions.


Deposited straight to your bank.

Just like this:

John earns commission payment of $25 when Stan purchases a product, and another $25 when Kim purchases a product.

The commission payment, generated by Mary?s purchase, will go to someone else; that will be a person in John?s upline.

Stan will earn a commission of $25 when Tim and David purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when Martin and Lara purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Tim will earn a commission of $25 when M1 and M3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Stan will earn a commission of $25 when M2 and M4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Martin will earn a commission of $25 when P1 and P3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when P2 and P4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Lara will earn a commission of $25 when K1 and K3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when K2 and K4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Please also note that:

Although Stan was referred to as a ?direct sponsor? for Martin, Martin?s powerline sponsor will be John.

The ?powerline sponsor? is the one that the members are sending their affiliate commission payments to.

Member M3 - his direct sponsor and powerline sponsor will be one and the same, Tim.

K2 will have a direct sponsor Lara, and powerline sponsor John.

And so on.

Easy, right?

100% commissions.

Minus the fees, of course.

On all sales.

But not your 2nd, 4th, 6th, and every fifth one after that.

Of course, that kind of makes it sound like it?s 50% commission structure in the beginning. Minus the fees, of course.

On the bright side though, when you make it to <1% of ?distributors?, you?ll be raking in $30K+ per month.

And work only 20 hours. Per month.

Just like this:

en income

Source: https://www.empowernetwork.com/income.php

Would love to know how they track the hours EN members put into developing their downline?

Refund Policy

Important to remember:

en refund policy

Source: https://www.empowernetwork.com/refund.php

And Keep in Mind?

?If you cancel your monthly subscription you will lose your team and all benefits and services of Empower Network.

This also includes all future services and upgrades.?

Affiliate Cookies

Another thing I noticed while doing research for this post was the fact that Empower Network might have a cookie problem.

Generally, when anyone arrives to a product sales page via your affiliate link, their information is collected and stored as a cookie tagging them as YOUR referral.

Those cookies can last for as long or as short as the affiliate marketing platform allows it.

Now I didn?t see any information on how long Empower Network cookies last, but in a week that it took me to write this post while bouncing through various pages within EN domain, I noticed that the referral ID in my URL changed 3-4 times.

Here?s what I mean:


The last part ?davidwood? is the referrer?s ID.

That?s what the system uses to tag me as someone?s referral.

Since that ID changed several times during my research, my question is this:

If I were to sign up for EN right now, who?ll get the credit?

The first person? The last one? Someone in the middle?

This tidbit of information might greatly affect your earning potential and you might not even know it.

Learn more about choosing the best affiliate marketing platform in this post.

Have you shared it with your friends yet?

Empower Network ?Get Traffic? Training

Click here to find out what kind of marketing training $1K will buy you?

Source: http://www.trafficgenerationcafe.com/empower-network-thumbs-down/

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