Friday, October 26, 2012

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Importante: "Las opiniones vertidas en los comentarios son de exclusiva responsabilidad de los usuarios que las emiten y no representan necesariamente a, medio que s?lo act?a como plataforma de expresi?n democr?tica. M?s detalles en Normas de Uso para Comentarios".


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Germany's secret to staving off the eurocrisis? Manufacturing.

Germany is 'strong and growing' more than almost any other Western economic power, thanks in large part to the country's dedication to its small- and mid-sized manufacturing companies.

By Isabelle de Pommereau,?Correspondent / October 25, 2012

Huge van carriers transport containers at the Burchardkai container terminal in Hamburg, Germany, in October 2012. Germany has managed to avoid the

Fabian Bimmer/Reuters


For years, people in this tranquil northern Bavarian town turned a deaf ear when outsiders ridiculed Germany for holding on to what the world saw as an outdated industrial model.

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And it?s a good thing, as Germany?s industrial backbone has experienced a comeback. Its Mittelstand ? the small- and mid-sized companies that are the backbone of its economy ? helped the country recover from the 2008 financial crisis faster than most countries. Now it is fueling Germany?s export-oriented growth.

According to a study by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) presented in Berlin Monday, Germany ranks as the fifth best industrial location among 45 world economies, a big jump from the 14th place it held in a similar study in 1995.?

"We did the right thing," says Johannes Petry, who works for Unicor, one of the world's leading manufacturer of corrugators ? the machines making exterior pipes that protect anything from underground telephone cables to sewer pipes. Over the past decade, the 135-employee Bavarian firm has doubled its gross income to roughly ?22 million ($28.6 million) this year. Demand is growing fast in countries that are modernizing their infrastructure, from Hungary to Arab countries.

'Strong and growing'

Unicor epitomizes the success of the German Mittelstand. Highly specialized and diversified, those companies of 500 or fewer employees have a knack for reinventing the wheel and tapping into world niches quickly. They make the screws, dowels, pipes, parts for machines, tools, and cars that countries like China are buying frenetically as they are industrializing.

Today, Germany is "strong and growing" more than almost any other traditional economic power in the Western world, IW Director Michael H?ther said Monday.

Germany's manufacturing sector creates 23 percent of the country's GDP, compared with 10 percent in France and Great Britain, according to the study.

In the late 1990s, the picture was different. Beset by record unemployment of 4 million, Germany was dubbed the "sick man of Europe."

But unlike other Western European countries, Germany resisted switching to a more service-oriented economy. Instead it consolidated its core industrial base, with more money on research, deals with labor unions on wages, and bold structural reform.

It increased its competitiveness when a Social Democratic government, that of Gerhard Schr?der, embarked on "Agenda 2010:" a reform of the country's social-welfare system and labor market now considered one of the most far reaching made by any Western society in recent years.


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2 US troops die in apparent Afghan insider attack

(AP) ? A man in an Afghan police uniform shot and killed two American service members Thursday, in what appeared to be the latest in a rash of attacks on international forces this year by their Afghan partners.

The so-called insider attacks have stretched to the breaking point a partnership that U.S. and NATO officials consider a key part their exit plan ? preparing the Afghans to take over responsibility for their country's security in just over two years' time. They have also cast major doubts over the program, where Afghans and international troops are supposed to work "shoulder to shoulder."

In Thursday's shooting, authorities had yet to determine if the attacker was an Afghan police officer or an insurgent who had donned a uniform to get close to the Americans, said Maj. Lori Hodge, a spokeswoman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The assailant escaped after killing the service members while they were out on a late morning patrol in the southern Uruzgan province, she added.

It was the second suspected insider attack in two days. On Wednesday, two British service members and an Afghan police officer were killed in an "exchange of gunfire" in Helmand province, the British Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The Afghan officer was not wearing his uniform and the statement said it was not clear who started shooting first.

Provincial government spokesman Abdullah Himmat said the assault happened near an Afghan police compound in Khas Uruzgan district.

Before Thursday's assault, 53 foreigners attached to the U.S.-led coalition had been killed in insider attacks from Afghan soldiers or police so far this year, according to the NATO military coalition.

The Taliban have said they are using the attacks as a specific strategy to drive a wedge between the international coalition and the Afghans. On Wednesday, ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday, they called for a boosting of such assaults.

"Increase your efforts to expand the area of infiltration in the ranks of the enemy," Mullah Mohammad Omar urged in a statement. "Jihadist activities inside the circle of the state militias are the most effective stratagem."

The majority of international combat troops are scheduled to leave Afghanistan by end-2014, with trainers and advisers expected to remain longer. But the spate of insider attacks has further undermined public support for the 11-year war in NATO countries and increased calls for earlier withdrawals.

The attacks have not been limited to members of the NATO-led international coalition. More than 50 Afghan members of the government's security forces also have died this in attacks by their own colleagues.

No other troops were wounded in the attack on Thursday, Hodge said. A statement from the U.S. force in Afghanistan says an investigation is under way.

Also Thursday, an Italian soldier was killed in a firefight in Farah province in the west of the country, the Italian military said in a statement. Four other soldiers were wounded.


Associated Press Writer Mirwais Khan contributed from Kandahar.

Associated Press


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The diet-proof holiday meal: Seven ways to stay on track this season

ScienceDaily (Oct. 24, 2012) ? Holiday dinners are filled with heaping dishes of comfort foods, fattening favorites and savory treats. It is no wonder these meals often leave us feeling stuffed with guilt and holiday remorse.

Patricia Nicholas, a registered dietitian at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, says you can avoid this psychological turmoil by adding "new favorites" to the traditional dishes. "Healthy meals can be festive as well and hopefully, you have been making healthy changes to your diet all year."

Michelle Morgan, a registered dietitian at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says, "Stay in tune with your hunger during holiday meals. If you feel satiated and comfortable -- stop eating!"

The following is the holiday feast survival guide -- a road map of sorts to keep you and your diet from straying too far this year.

? Re-think your appetizers. Incorporate healthier pre-meal snack options. Swap the bread bowl for whole-wheat pita with a low-fat bean dip!

? Add some color to your holiday dinner spread with a bowl of fruit or a vegetable salad.

? Choose smaller portions. You can still taste all the foods in your holiday spread without overeating. Remember, an occasional indulgence will not destroy your weight-loss attempts, and if you don't love something don't eat it.

? The only thing that should be stuffed during the holidays is the turkey! Just because there is more food sitting around, does not mean you need to eat more. A forkful of pie will do less damage than a whole piece.

? No need for second helpings; have a calorie-free chat instead. The holidays are a great time to engage in conversation with your loved ones -- and this will not add inches to your waistline. Just be sure to move the conversation away from the food!

? Don't skip meals prior to a holiday party or dinner. You are less likely to overeat if you have eaten well throughout the day.

? Don't allow holiday activity to slow down your exercise program. Bundle up and take a walk after your holiday meal -- this not only can prevent you from overeating and picking at leftovers, but is also a great way to burn off some of the extra calories you may have consumed.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to Make Money Online in the Philippines: 17 Ways | Business ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]With billions of Internet users in the world, the online audience is one very important market every business owner and marketer should tap. That is why they call on Internet marketers. Whether as a freelance ... 11. Other Internet marketing services. There are also other online marketing services you can offer to your clients, such as email marketing, referral marketing, affiliate marketing, banner advertising, and PPC marketing. 12. Internet marketing consultancy.


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Chronic kidney disease alters intestinal microbial flora

ScienceDaily (Oct. 9, 2012) ? Chronic kidney disease changes the composition of intestinal bacterial microbes that normally play a crucial role in staving off disease-causing pathogens and maintaining micronutrient balance, according to UC Irvine researchers.

This profound alteration of the gut microbial population may contribute to the production of uremic toxins, systemic and local inflammation, and nutritional abnormalities present in patients with advanced renal disease, they said.

Study leader Dr. N.D. Vaziri of the UCI School of Medicine's Division of Nephrology & Hypertension noted that consumption of high-fiber foods and better control of uremia -- a disease common in kidney failure -- by diet and dialysis may improve the composition of gut microbes and the well-being of patients.

The researchers studied microbial DNA extracted from the stool samples of a group of renal failure patients and healthy control individuals. They found marked differences in the abundance of some 190 types of bacteria in the gut microbiome of those with kidney disease -- and confirmed the results in a concurrent study of rats with and without chronic kidney disease.

Vaziri explained that nitrogen-rich waste products -- particularly urea and uric acid, which are usually excreted by the kidneys -- accumulate in the body fluids of patients with renal failure. This leads to the massive release of these waste products in the gastrointestinal tract, supporting the growth and dominance of microbial species that can utilize these compounds.

The impact of this flooding of the gut by nitrogenous waste products in patients with advanced kidney disease, Vaziri added, is compounded by dietary restrictions on fruits and vegetables, which contain the indigestible fibers that favorable gut microbes feed on. This is because fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of potassium, a mineral normally excreted by the kidneys. In cases of renal failure, potassium levels are high, increasing the risk of cardiac arrest.

One solution, Vaziri said, is to provide longer, more frequent dialysis treatments. This would let more potassium be removed by dialysis and allow for more potassium in the diet. Alternatively, packaged fiber foods that do not contain potassium could be used as a dietary supplement.

Dr. Madeleine Pahl, Dr. Jun Yuan and Dr. Zhenmin Ni of UCI; Jakk Wong, Yvette Piceno, Tien-Hung Nguyen and Gary Andersen of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and Todd DeSantis of San Bruno-based Second Genome participated in the study, which appears online in Kidney International.

The work adds to a growing body of evidence pointing to the role of gut bacteria in disease and health. Recent research by other groups has identified changes in the composition of intestinal microbial flora in people with diabetes, colorectal cancer, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease, among other conditions.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Irvine.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Nosratola D Vaziri, Jakk Wong, Madeleine Pahl, Yvette M Piceno, Jun Yuan, Todd Z DeSantis, Zhenmin Ni, Tien-Hung Nguyen, Gary L Andersen. Chronic kidney disease alters intestinal microbial flora. Kidney International, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ki.2012.345

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Running scared: Holly State Rec Area to host ?Zombie Dash? this ...

Be a "survivor" or a "zombie" ...

HOLLY, Michigan ? Fitness and fright collide this weekend as the Holly State Recreation Area hosts a ?Zombie Dash? all to benefit the ?Be The Match? registry for bone marrow and stem cell donation.

On Saturday, Oct. 13, participating ?survivors? (runners and walkers) will hit the 5.75 kilometer course that winds its way through the Holly State Recreation Area?s dark and wooded trails. Holly State Recreation Area is located at 8100 Grange Hall Road, Holly.

A ?walker wave? of survivors begins at 6:15 p.m., while ?runner waves? go out every five minutes from 6:30 until 7:15 p.m. Those wishing to participate have until 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 to register.

Survivors must wear two ?life strips? (flag football flags) around the waist and avoid zombies along the way, tasked with ripping the strips off racers and rendering time penalties.? Racing from dusk until dark, those beginning first may try to finish while it's still light enough to see. Those having later start times will race into darkness. All runners are required to have a headlamp or flashlight for safety, and course monitors will be positioned throughout the trails.

If you?re not into running, you can always be a zombie ? provided you register, show up in some sort of costume with make-up, and agree to stay on the course from 6:15 until 8 p.m. Race Director Mark VanTongeren said last year?s Zombie Dash in Grand Rapids attracted 600 survivors and 200 zombies. Friends, family and the general public are all welcome to come out and cheer for survivors and zombies alike.

The charity partner for this race is the Michigan Blood Stem Cell Program, which educates the public about the importance of the ?Be The Match? registry and marrow/stem cell donation. The stem cell program recruits potential marrow/stem cell donors for the National Marrow Donor Program?s, ?Be The Match? registry.

Michigan Blood is also a regional collection site for stem cell donations. Seventy percent of patients suffering from illnesses such as leukemia, lymphoma and 70 other blood-related diseases, turn to the ?Be The Match? registry for a matching marrow/stem cell donor. Every year, around 10,000 patients look to the ?Be The Match? registry for a donor.

For more information about the race and to register, visit the Zombie Dash website, or visit to join the conversation.


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Empower Network - Traffic Generation Cafe

empower network reviewIt?s no secret that Traffic Generation Cafe, as awesome and popular as it is, doesn?t make much money.

For some reason, cracking that whole ?make money blogging? nut has been a bit too tough for my teeth.

And then I had a brilliant idea.

I think I might?ve found the hammer to crack that nut after all.

Here?s my new business plan:

I?ll sell you a sub-page at

I?ll make it very easy for you:

  • you won?t have to worry about setting up a new blog (since you are buying a blog within a blog);
  • you won?t have to worry about what your blog looks like (I won?t really give you any choices ? there will be only one theme available);
  • you won?t have to worry about any plugins (I?ll make it easy for you ? you won?t have any);
  • and I?ll let you customize your new blog with your picture and bio (of course, my picture will remain at the top of YOUR blog, and I am even thinking of taking my shirt of for that one).

I?ll even make you a deal: you?ll get all of the above for the rock-bottom price of $25/month.

Who?s in?

OK, fine; I?ll sweetened the deal ? you can resell this awesome opportunity to have a subpage on my blog to your family, friends, and even total strangers.

Sounds like a win-win, don?t you think?

Empower Network Fundamentals

What is Empower Network?

?Empower Network is a direct response company, that handles front and back end sales conversions ? and teaches people how to narrow their focus down to one skill: Getting Traffic.

?The fact? Getting Traffic is easy to teach if you take out the technical and management complications that drive the rest of the marketing niche . . . we?ve now existed for 140 days, and have more than 20,109 customers who have bought our blogging system.?


With Empower Network You Will?

  • have a chance to achieve what you couldn?t before (i.e. have a successful business)

?Say goodbye to the complicated barriers that stand in the way of you and a thriving business ?and hello to Automation, Viral Marketing and 100% Commissions.?

?No rules. No hassles. We?ll help you build your business bigger and better so you can do more of things you want, with the people you want to do them with.?

?You can now leverage our ?point and click? marketing system and leverage our ability to market, convert traffic to leads ?and convert those leads to sales. This way, you can stay focused on one thing, and one thing only ? getting traffic.?

?We?ve solved every problem marketers and online entrepreneurs face.?

?We?ve built our entire marketing system around a ?plug and play? process that members can use to generate 100% commissions into their bank account, instantly.?

??you have a ?done for you? marketing system that pays you 100% commissions, directly deposited into your bank account.?

  • making more money you?ve ever made before:

?From this point on, as a member of Empower Network ? you?ll never have to wait for another less than worthy commission check in the mail again, because you can now get paid instant and automatically, directly into your bank account.?

?? just blog daily, tell others ?and learn to get more money in your business, faster.?

?Essentially, you can make ?guru? money ?without being a ?guru?.?

(all the quotes come from various pages of site)

Turns out silver bullets do exist.

Silly me? choosing the ?hard? way to build a business.

Who?s behind it?

1. David Wood | Co-Founder and CEO

From his personal bio (reducted):

??impact the world ?transparent ?strait forward ?message of clarity, honesty and hope ?#1 producer in almost every business he built ?impact and influence lives all over the world ?breakthrough business success.?

Side note: notice ? ?strait forward? ? spelling.

Either 1. those boys need to proof-read their copy, or 2. they meant to say what they said, in which case the only definition I could find was in the Urban Dictionary and it?s peculiar.

2. David Sharpe | Co-Founder and President

From his personal bio (reducted):

??struggle and hardship ?homelessness, addiction and personal defeat ?he rose from the ashes to change his life, change the way he viewed the world ?and change the way the world viewed him ?earning more money than ever ?traveling the world and living the life of his dreams.?

Two Cinderella stories indeed.

Good for them, right?

Note to self:

If I ever want to create a fanatic following that blindly buys my ?simple easy solutions to every problem in life?, I need to make sure to tell my rags to riches story about alcoholic parents, no means to exist, and working for everything I ever needed/wanted.

It?s good for business.

Empower Network Products

1. Blogging platform ? $25/month

?For only $25 per month, you get the full monty ? a customizable blog built into the wordpress platform, complete with hosting, sales videos, capture pages ? and if you want, you can even capture the leads into your own auto-responders.?

Just to sum up: for $25/month, you get a blog on Empower Network (which really is a WordPress blog that?s free everywhere else), plus:

  • one theme everyone else has;
  • no additional functionalities to add (like plugins);
  • 8 ?Core Commitments? videos that will try to upsell you on everything.

You do get a few lead capture templates you can drive traffic to ? the same pages used by thousands of other EN members.

2. E-Wallet ? $20/month

EN doesn?t accept PayPal, so unless you have your own payment processor (most marketers don?t), this is your only option if you want to be an affiliate.

3. The Inner Circle Mastermind Membership ? $100/month

?For only $100 per month, you?re going to get the best ongoing audio training you?ve ever heard in your life. We?re interviewing industry Phenom?s who want nothing more than to help you make more money, have a better life, and build your marketing automation machine?

?on complete auto pilot.?

$100/month is on top of $25/month, of course.

4. The Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive ? $500 one time

??which is a eleven-hour online video course shot in HD video quality ? which documents in extensive detail, a live marketing seminar co-founder David Wood hosted for approximately 10 high-level entrepreneurs in mid 2011 which sold for $2,997 when it was offered as a live event to the public, and sold out quickly.?

I wonder what ?approximately 10 high-level entrepreneurs? means?

Did someone not have enough fingers to count to 10?

If they are that high-level and they paid you $3K for your training, the least you could do for them is to remember they were there.

5. 15k per Month Formula ? $1000 one time

See the training section below for a few notes I made on the kind of training $1,000 will buy you.

6. The ?all in? option ? $1625 one time

This option is consistently referred to and encourage throughout ALL the training, videos, splash pages, etc.

To Sum Up?

Empower Network has two objectives:

1. To make you ?guru? money.

2. To teach you how to GET TRAFFIC.

Let?s talk about that.

But before we move on, please:

Show Me the Money

On to the fun stuff:

Making ?guru? money without being a guru.

Compensation Plan

Empower Network compensation plan is very easy.

100% commissions.


Deposited straight to your bank.

Just like this:

John earns commission payment of $25 when Stan purchases a product, and another $25 when Kim purchases a product.

The commission payment, generated by Mary?s purchase, will go to someone else; that will be a person in John?s upline.

Stan will earn a commission of $25 when Tim and David purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when Martin and Lara purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Tim will earn a commission of $25 when M1 and M3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Stan will earn a commission of $25 when M2 and M4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Martin will earn a commission of $25 when P1 and P3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when P2 and P4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Lara will earn a commission of $25 when K1 and K3 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

John will earn a commission of $25 when K2 and K4 purchase a product ($25 for each purchase).

Please also note that:

Although Stan was referred to as a ?direct sponsor? for Martin, Martin?s powerline sponsor will be John.

The ?powerline sponsor? is the one that the members are sending their affiliate commission payments to.

Member M3 - his direct sponsor and powerline sponsor will be one and the same, Tim.

K2 will have a direct sponsor Lara, and powerline sponsor John.

And so on.

Easy, right?

100% commissions.

Minus the fees, of course.

On all sales.

But not your 2nd, 4th, 6th, and every fifth one after that.

Of course, that kind of makes it sound like it?s 50% commission structure in the beginning. Minus the fees, of course.

On the bright side though, when you make it to <1% of ?distributors?, you?ll be raking in $30K+ per month.

And work only 20 hours. Per month.

Just like this:

en income


Would love to know how they track the hours EN members put into developing their downline?

Refund Policy

Important to remember:

en refund policy


And Keep in Mind?

?If you cancel your monthly subscription you will lose your team and all benefits and services of Empower Network.

This also includes all future services and upgrades.?

Affiliate Cookies

Another thing I noticed while doing research for this post was the fact that Empower Network might have a cookie problem.

Generally, when anyone arrives to a product sales page via your affiliate link, their information is collected and stored as a cookie tagging them as YOUR referral.

Those cookies can last for as long or as short as the affiliate marketing platform allows it.

Now I didn?t see any information on how long Empower Network cookies last, but in a week that it took me to write this post while bouncing through various pages within EN domain, I noticed that the referral ID in my URL changed 3-4 times.

Here?s what I mean:

The last part ?davidwood? is the referrer?s ID.

That?s what the system uses to tag me as someone?s referral.

Since that ID changed several times during my research, my question is this:

If I were to sign up for EN right now, who?ll get the credit?

The first person? The last one? Someone in the middle?

This tidbit of information might greatly affect your earning potential and you might not even know it.

Learn more about choosing the best affiliate marketing platform in this post.

Have you shared it with your friends yet?

Empower Network ?Get Traffic? Training

Click here to find out what kind of marketing training $1K will buy you?


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Poignant tributes mark Illinois Day 2012 ? Campus Life Blog

9 Oct

Department of Illinois leadership visit the Illinois 1 House at the National Home.

When the Department of Illinois came to the VFW National Home for Children on Saturday, they were greeted with more than the usual state day fanfare. Two of their members received special tributes during the Illinois Day program at the National Home. The Department was also recognized for their contribution purchasing the fountains in the National Home?s new Tribute Park.

Mel Skaley received a special blanket made by National Home residents.

Mel Skaley was presented with a special blanket made by National Home residents. His generous donation of his wife?s sewing equipment and supplies after her death several years ago launched the National Home?s sewing program. He was clearly moved to see the impact that donation had had on the residents of the National Home.

Former National Home trustee Cindy Paris was brought to the stage. Cindy?s mother, Ardath Paris, who passed away earlier this year, was known as the National Home?s Campbell?s Label Queen for her dedication to our Campbell?s Labels for Education program. It was announced at Illinois Day that the next van the National Home earns through the Labels for Education program will be dedicated in Ardath?s honor and will bear a special license plate with her name on it. Cindy was also presented with a tribute brick, purchased in Ardath?s honor by the Everett H. Hubbard VFW Post #2287.

Saturday was the first chance for many members of the Department of Illinois to see firsthand the National Home?s new Tribute Park and the fountains donated by the Department. Throughout the day, visitors could be seen walking the pathway, posing for photos and enjoying this welcome addition to the National Home landscape.

Illinois VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members gave generously at this year?s celebration, contributing more than $18,000 to the National Home. That support makes it possible for your National Home to continue to help struggling military and veteran families work toward a better life.

Attendees were reminded that we can all help struggling families in our communities by letting them know about the VFW National Home for Children and the life-changing opportunities available on its campus. If you know a military family struggling through a deployment, a veteran who is trying to balance family obligations with VA Vocational Rehabilitation or a VFW-related single parent trying to build a better life for his or her family, encourage them to call the National Home Helpline [800.313.4200] or visit our website to learn how the National Home may be able to help.

View photos from Illinois Day on Facebook.

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U.S. House report: Chinese telecom firms are a national security risk and should be banned

By Agence France-Presse
Sunday, October 7, 2012 21:20 EDT


Chinese telecom giants Huawei and ZTE pose a security threat to the United States and should be barred from US contracts and acquisitions, a yearlong congressional investigation has concluded.

A draft of a report by the House Intelligence Committee, obtained Sunday by AFP, said the two firms ?cannot be trusted? to be free of influence from Beijing and could be used to undermine US security.

?Based on available classified and unclassified information, Huawei and ZTE cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence and thus pose a security threat to the United States and to our systems,? the draft document said.

The congressional panel launched its probe over concerns that Beijing could use the fast-growing firms for economic or military espionage, or cyber attacks.

Both Huawei and ZTE have denied any ties with the Chinese government. Top executives of the firms appeared at a hearing held by the panel last month, stressing that they were focused on business, not politics.

Huawei reiterated that position in response to queries.

?The integrity and independence of Huawei?s organization and business practices are trusted and respected across almost 150 markets,? Huawei vice president William Plummer said in an emailed statement.

?Purporting that Huawei is somehow uniquely vulnerable to cyber mischief ignores technical and commercial realities, recklessly threatens American jobs and innovation, does nothing to protect national security, and should be exposed as dangerous political distractions.?

ZTE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.







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Monday, October 8, 2012

Rev. Jesse Jackson Delivers 30th Annual Everett C. Parker Ethics in ...

On September 25, 2012, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., delivered the Everett Parker Lecture discussing important issues at the intersection on telecommunications, access, adoption, and civil rights. His remarks follow.

It is an honor to be with you this morning in this historic place to deliver the 30th annual Everett C. Parker Ethics in Telecommunications Lecture in this, Rev. Dr. Parker?s centennial year.

Every movement has thousands of individuals, whose names we never know, forming its backbone. The Civil Rights Movement, for instance, was the product of countless individuals standing and working together throughout the South and across the country. But there are always those individuals who emerge to give a face to a movement? provide leadership, vision and moral authority. In the area of media reform, it was Rev. Dr. Everett C. Parker.

He?s been honored and described in many ways. Henry Rivera called him ?the conscience of the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commission.? When Dr. Parker retired in 1983, Broadcasting Magazine described him as ?the founder of the citizen movement in broadcasting? who spent ?some two decades irritating and worrying the broadcast establishment.? I could go on, but most often, and particularly for those of us who are deeply familiar with his work, he is known simply as the ?Father of the Media Reform Movement.?

His commitment to the public interest, his tenacity in addressing injustice, and his courage in standing up to entrenched interests?be they racist social structures in the South or discriminatory corporate structures in New York and across the country?led to a career full of accomplishments that we marvel at today.

As Sam Simon has observed, ?Ascertainment, broadcaster-citizen agreements, equal employment opportunity, personal attack response time, minority ownership, fairness doctrine, equal time, diversity of ownership, license renewal, localism and other crucial public interest safety-net concepts all have their roots in the initial work of Everett Parker.?

Thousands of women and minorities working in media today owe their careers to the work he did.

The Civil Rights Movement and the Media Reform Movement share the same backbone. The Media Reform Movement grew out of the broader social justice movement of the time. While Parker had been an effective activist and advocate for the public interest long before the ferment of the 60s, it was a meeting Rev. Parker and others had with Dr. King during the Montgomery Bus Boycott that put him on the path to his most noteworthy and transformational accomplishment, the license challenge against WLBT-TV in Jackson, Mississippi.

At the meeting, Dr. King complained about how blacks were being treated on radio and television stations in the South. King?s concerns meshed with ideas that Parker was shaping on how to bring about change in a system that was closed to those it was licensed to serve. Dr. Parker decided to do something about it. And in so doing, he transformed the American broadcasting industry.

The story of the WLBT license challenge has been told many times. It was a lengthy, multi-year battle that resulted in the landmark court decision that gave the public standing before the FCC, led to the revocation of WLBT?s license?the first time a station had ever been punished for failing to ?serve the public interest?, ultimately led to an ownership group that reflected the Jackson community which was 40% African American at the time, and, nationally, changed the way broadcasters did business. WLBT-TV was an example of what Dr. King talked about. One of many. Discrimination in hiring. Discrimination in programming practices. Discrimination in news coverage. You all know the stories?blacking out program segments that featured African American performers or news items that challenged the racial status quo. There was even a white supremacist bookstore on the station premises.

So Parker?s WLBT battle was not about abstract legal principles. It was about core principles of justice, equality and fairness in our primary medium of mass communication?the medium through which we tell our stories, determine what?s important, get our news, and express our values.

Parker?s core idea was so simple: The airwaves belong to the people, so the people should have considerable say about how they?re used and managed. And the court agreed.

But between that simple idea and the final court decision was years of hard work in the field and in the office?researching, organizing, strategizing and fundraising?which Dr. Parker pursued with his characteristic tenacity. And why? Because he was driven by a sense of justice and morality.

It was not easy to do organizing work in the South. The possibility of violence against Parker, his staff and the brave community volunteers who gathered the evidence of discrimination and racism in WLBT?s operations was very real. And there were threats and harassment. But they persevered. And because they did, citizens gained access to the FCC?legal standing?which unleashed a wave of grass roots, public interest initiatives across the country, the birth of the Media Reform Movement.

Dr. Parker pursued the WLBT case through his role as founding director of the Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ, an organization that continues to be at the forefront of media reform efforts today. And we must recognize the role of the UCC in both media reform and the broader Civil Rights Movement. The denomination was active in the very early stages of the movement and was a strong ally to those of us engaged in the work every day.

Beyond WLBT, Dr. Parker, through the Office of Communication, brought a moral perspective to the key media policy debates of the time and was always in the thick of the fray.

He spearheaded the effort to open up employment opportunities in broadcasting for women and people of color. The Office of Communication petitioned the FCC to take action and the Commission issued a Report and Order on Equal Employment Opportunity in 1971, creating policy that began to open up the industry and create a richer and more diverse media environment.

He worked with leading media companies to establish training programs for minority young people and secured commitments to hire them.

In terms of diversity, there is still a long way to go, particularly in the area of ownership. But Dr. Parker recognized early on that the most powerful tools for communication in a democracy must reflect the diversity that comprises that democracy.

All voices must be heard. All people must have equal opportunity to participate at all levels of the media industry.

Dr. Parker was a willing mentor to anyone who shared his vision for justice and fairness, something many in this room can attest to. He inspired generations of young people, clergy, activists and professionals with his tenacious belief that we can change things. That media can serve the public interest and be more than producers of vast profits for a handful of corporations.

In our democracy, mass media must be open to an array of values, lifestyles, and ideas. It must be a real reflection of America and a place where all groups and ideas are represented. That?s what Rev. Parker?s fight was about. Establishing a media system that truly serves all Americans?not just narrow ideologies or corporate interests?but all Americans.

Dr. Parker could not be with us today, but he may very well be watching us online. Let?s express our appreciation right now to Rev. Dr. Everett C. Parker, the ?Father of the Media Reform Movement?, our colleague, mentor and friend.

Dr. Parker?s friend and associate Ralph Jennings said, ?Parker advocated examining the needs of society before dancing to the broadcasters? tune.?

As we look at the issues facing us today in terms of media and telecommunications policy, it?s important that we examine the needs of society and make decisions based on the public good, not the corporate demand.

When we look at things that way, it becomes clear that communications issues are civil rights issues. Ownership for instance.

Media outlets are business opportunities. But they are so much more. They provide access to the American conversation. They direct attention and shape consciousness. They are windows to the world.

For the last thirty years, we have witnessed unabashed media consolidation facilitated by the FCC. The effect has been a reduction in unique voices, a reduction in opportunities to participate in the American debate, and a loss of diversity of ideas for the American people, as well as a loss of business opportunities for women and people of color.

The effects have perhaps been felt most severely in radio. If you?ve ever visited one of those urban, what we can only call ?radio factories?, you?ll get my point. Usually a nondescript building, isolated from the community, with a long hallway with many doors?.and behind each door is a radio station.

Five, six, seven or more stations in one building, often with one sales staff, one news team, and always one owner. Five, six, seven or more stations in a market that carry different programming, but ultimately speak with one voice, that of the owner?often a corporate giant with headquarters far from the city of service.

Tell me, how can it possibly be in the public interest to have 9 radio stations with one owner in a market the size of Modesto, California?

For minorities, local politics are critical. Every day, battles are being fought over budget allocations, school issues, public services and scores of matters that affect the local quality of life. Local media is critical to this process. And very little of that media is controlled by women and minorities.

The minority ownership that does exist has been rapidly shrinking over the past few years.

Looking at the past decade, data shows that from October 2006 to October 2007, the number of minority-owned commercial TV stations decreased by 8.5 percent?and African American TV station ownership dropped by 60%.

Today, minorities make up about 37% of the US population, and data shows minority media ownership of commercial television stations is around 3%. Women, 51 percent of the population, own around 6% of television stations. Radio ownership for these groups is only slightly higher.

Are minority audiences being served? Are minority voices being heard?

Recent studies claim that African American-owned stations reach just 5.3 percent of African American households in the United States. Hispanic or Latino-owned stations reach just 21.7 percent of Latino households. Asian American-owned stations reach just 24 percent of Asian American households. I suspect the numbers regarding African American ownership may have gotten worse since these numbers came out.

So, it should come as no surprise that content on local stations rarely serves the needs of minority audiences and their communities. Diverse voices are not heard. Issues are covered from one perspective.

The FCC facilitated this level of media consolidation and they can make changes that will encourage diversity and open up the system.

There was a brief period of time when policies were implemented that promoted minority ownership. In 1978, the FCC adopted two policies, distress sales and tax certificates. Distress sales permitted broadcasters to escape a hearing by selling their stations to minorities for a 25% discount.

Tax certificates enabled broadcasters selling stations to minorities to postpone capital gains taxes. These policies took minority station ownership from 60 stations in 1978 to over 300 by 1995.

That sounds like a big number. But as David Honig has pointed out, those 300 stations represented just 1% of the broadcasting industry?s asset value. And in 1995, Congress repealed the tax certificate option.

The tax certificate program was effective in expanding minority ownership. It is certainly worth considering again today.

In these difficult times, with record poverty and unemployment numbers, healthcare battles, a crisis in education, and so many structural problems facing us, the channels of communication need to be opened up. We need more diversity of ideas and voices. More people need more access to our mainstream channels of communication.

But perhaps more importantly, we need to get to know one another. That?s what Dr. King and Dr. Parker were about. Dr. King spoke of the Beloved Community, the possibility of a society where justice, fairness and compassion is a way of life for all regardless of race, religion, or economic status. We can only get to know each other, get past the stereotypes and fear, when all voices can be heard. When all are part of the conversation.

Bringing more diversity to ownership will facilitate this process. The FCC should make it a priority to find ways to open up the system

Broadband is a civil rights issue. In fact, MMTC has called it the top civil rights issue of the 21st century, ?precisely because this technology is being positioned as a primary driver of economic opportunity and as a catalyst for social change.?

The world is moving online and, once again, poor, African American and Hispanic households are being left behind. The Digital Divide continues to be real.

Every day, more and more basic functions are moving online?business, education, medical?even social services. The threat of falling through the cracks?being left behind, outside the reaches of even the ?safety net,? is as real as it?s ever been.

As MMTC puts it, ?the digital haves? are first class digital citizens with a passport to explore all that the Internet has to offer, while the digital ?have-nots? are second-class citizens trapped in poverty without access to the opportunities offered in the digital economy.?

The data tell us that more than half of all African American and Hispanic households have yet to adopt broadband at home.

The situation is serious for adults, but even more so for our children. If we don?t deal with this divide, we run the risk or relegating a whole generation of young people to the fringe of society.

It?s true, 64% of African Americans use mobile applications to go online, and African American teens are at the forefront of that group; but there are limits to what can be accomplished on your i-phone or Droid. They?re great for playing Angry Birds, but not for doing research papers or filling out college applications.

Census Bureau data shows that African American and Hispanic children use the Internet at school much more regularly than other children, probably because they don?t have broadband at home.

There is already an education gap in America. Research shows that African American and Hispanic students lag two to three years behind white students of the same age, and only 55% of Latino students, 51% of African American students and half of Native American students earn a high school diploma, compared to over 75% of white and Asian students at all income levels.

Access to broadband at home and school is not the magic bullet that will solve this problem. But universal access will be an important step toward leveling the playing field. And it will assure that a generation will not be left behind.

Universal access is a difficult problem. Service and devices are expensive. Educating diverse and hard to reach groups on usage is a slow and complicated process. And convincing some that broadband access will make a difference in their lives, believe it or not, has proven to be a problem.

But solving these problems, reaching poor and minority communities with broadband, must continue to be a priority. Groups like One Economy and Broadband Opportunity Coalition have taken up the challenge and some business enterprises have joined in, offering discounted rates and hardware. And the FCC is about to launch a pilot Lifeline broadband program that will experiment with pricing, subsidies and outreach techniques. Expansion of the Lifeline program holds promise as a means of helping to close this Digital Divide.

Universal broadband connectivity is a difficult problem. We must bring our best thinking and deepest commitment to its implementation. The cost of failure is too high. Economic empowerment, education, civic engagement, healthcare?the basic social and business processes of life are moving online, and democracy demands that all can participate.

A word about Lifeline. Finding ways to make broadband affordable?covering service and equipment costs, and educating users, will take some time. Penetrating our inner cities and reaching those in rural, isolated settings present challenges that we are still in the process of working through. The answer is not right around the corner.

The Lifeline program may very well be part of the solution. Lifeline reform has recently been completed and there are efforts to begin moving some USF Low Income Fund dollars to broadband initiatives.

Part of the reform was focused on dealing with the recent growth in demand on the Low Income Fund. In this economic environment, growing demand is to be expected. With 46 million people officially in poverty, demands on the fund are naturally growing. That?s why Lifeline was created. To make sure those who are struggling can stay connected through basic phone service.

Lifeline participation, while rising, is still very low. Only around a third of those who qualify are participating. There is evidence that some of these recent reforms, though well intentioned, are actually leading to a loss of qualified Lifeline participants from the program due to the verification processes involved.

While it is necessary to root out any fraud, waste and abuse in the program, we must make sure that, while we look for broadband solutions, we maintain easy access to voice service for those who qualify and perhaps even expand availability beyond the one per household rule for cell phone subsidies.

Lifeline participants are folks who need basic voice for the daily chores of life?calling babysitters, doctors, work, checking on elderly relatives.

Broadband is coming and necessary, but we must make sure Lifeline assistance is readily available now for voice service for all who qualify. Broadband is needed. Funding must be found. But not at the expense of those who need basic phone service for daily survival.

Prison telephone service is a civil rights issue.

The American justice system has gone awry. We lead the world in imprisoned citizens. Two million Americans are in federal and state prisons and jails. The world?s leading democracy with the world?s largest prison population. And that population is overwhelmingly black and poor.

For instance, the population of Georgia is 29% black while its prison population is 64% black. The population of Pennsylvania is 10% black while its prison population is 56% black. The ratios are similar across the 50 states.

These primarily young, black Americans are ripped from familiar surroundings and isolated from loved ones. If they are to return to society as productive citizens, they need the support of those who care about them. They need to communicate with those who love them. Yet, prison phone systems have been designed to exploit prisoners and their families.

This is not an accident. It didn?t just happen. It is a system designed to prey on one of our most vulnerable populations. Prison phone service is a civil rights issue. It is a moral issue. It is about how we respond to the ?least of these.?

Visits to incarcerated family members are difficult for the poor. Transportation, accommodations?visits are an economic burden. The phone becomes the only way to maintain communication. Mothers and fathers with their children. Wives and husbands. Brothers and sisters.

Instead of recognizing the important role telephone service plays in shaping the lives of inmates, the role it plays in maintaining the few supportive relationships many inmates have, prison administrators and state legislators view it as a revenue source. And the folks paying are those who can least afford it.

Prisoners cannot choose their carrier. In many cases, telephone companies bid for the right to provide service to a prison and the company offering the best deal, for the prison?not the prisoners, gets the contract. Phone service becomes a profit center for the prison, and the families and friends of prisoners pay the burdensome bill.

In this day of pennies a minute phone rates and unlimited long distance plans, families can pay a connection charge of $3.00 or more plus per minute rates approaching $1.00, making a 15 minute collect call anywhere from $10 ? $17.00 or more. A weekly one-hour call can cost families up to $300 a month. These rates are predatory. For families already struggling to make ends meet, this is an unconscionable burden. Imagine having to choose between putting food on the table or accepting a call from a family member in prison. It?s a choice no family should have to make.

For ten years now, the FCC has ignored pleas to fix this situation. Martha Wright, an elderly woman who had to choose between paying for medicine and calling her grandson in prison, petitioned the FCC to solve this problem almost a decade ago.

These high rates cannot be justified. Eight states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons have already made changes. The men and women in our prisons need supportive networks when they?re released, and for that to happen, they must maintain communication with loved ones while they?re incarcerated. Strong, supportive networks help keep people from returning to prison.

The FCC can put an end to these predatory prison phone rates. The UCC Office of Communication and its allies have taken the lead on this issue, keeping it before the Commission.

We ask the Commission to grant the Wright petition. It?s a simple step that will have a profound impact on thousands of lives.

Communications issues are civil rights issues.

In our media system, there are two models that area always in a state of tension with each other?the market model and the public interest model.

The market model says regulation is unnecessary. Hands off. The market will meet needs and serve the public.

The public interest model says our communication system is fundamental to our democracy. It must be open, diverse, and provide substance beyond just pure entertainment. It is too important to be left solely to the market.

It is too important to be left in the hands of a few powerful corporations that have a responsibility to their shareholders first, and see the rest of us as consumers, not citizens.

The market model, by its nature, is undemocratic. It serves money, not people. We are not all equal in the market model. Those with more money have a greater voice. They are served. They are targeted. They are sought out. Those without resources are neglected, and even sometimes exploited.

The market model does not necessarily meet social needs. While it is excellent at delivering goods and services, it is driven by profit, not need. That?s why there are still nearly 50 million without health insurance in this country. A problem many other countries solved long ago, but a problem the market model is not interested in. Where?s the profit?

The public interest model sees media as a public resource. It is our primary source of information. It plays a central role in defining our culture and shaping our democracy. It has a responsibility beyond generating profits. It must serve the public interest.

The corporate interests have the money and power. They hire their lobbyists. They fund the campaigns. They use their Influence.

But government belongs to us. Regulation is our tool. Really, the only tool we have against money and power. That?s why it?s attacked so vehemently by those who oppose us. When citizens organize and act, government responds.

The American vision is about inclusion. It?s about diversity. It?s about community. It is about each of us having a voice, not simply accepting what the ?market? chooses to offer us.

The two models need each other. That?s the strength, genius and potential of our system?.when the power of the market model is harnessed by a vision of the public good. When profit and service are in balance, our communication system will be at its best.

How do we fight back? The way Dr. King fought back. The way Dr. Parker fought back. The way millions around the world fight back everyday. We organize. We strategize. We act. Small individual actions everyday and larger actions, together, that clearly demonstrate our commitment to creating a communication system that is open, fair, and serves democracy.

We must keep the public interest model alive. We must keep a strong Media Reform Movement alive. We must Keep Hope Alive!


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O'Reilly, Stewart to tangle in mock debate

FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2010 file photo, Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, left, and Bill O'Reilly tape an interview in New York. Stewart and O'Reilly, a celebrity odd couple with a history of public political feuds, tangle in a sold-out debate in Washington. The so-called "Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium" offers a jocular sideshow to the series of three more somber debates this month between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer)

FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2010 file photo, Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, left, and Bill O'Reilly tape an interview in New York. Stewart and O'Reilly, a celebrity odd couple with a history of public political feuds, tangle in a sold-out debate in Washington. The so-called "Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium" offers a jocular sideshow to the series of three more somber debates this month between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer)

(AP) ? Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart are to tangle in a sold-out mock presidential debate that's as much about laughs as about politics.

The Fox News anchor squares off with the star of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" Saturday in Washington. It's a chance to blow off a little steam amid a heated presidential race.

The celebrity odd-couple have appeared on each other's programs since 2001, exhibiting actual respect for the other's opposing views. This is their first head-to-head debate.

George Washington University will host the event, dubbed "The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium." Half of the proceeds will go to charity.

Unlike the debates between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, this one won't air on television but will be live-streamed online, for $4.95.



Associated Press


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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Quail Ridge At Troon Village Homes for Sale | Arizona Real Estate ...

Quail Ridge At Troon Village Homes for Sale List

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Scottsdale Real Estate Trends and Factors Effecting Value

Scottsdale Real Estate Trends and Factors Effecting Supply and Demand

Scottsdale real estate trends & factors? this is a big topic, but we would like to touch on a few factors less talked about. Some of the major factors we see effecting Arizona real estate are:

Canadian buyers? when the Canadian dollar is strong in relation to the US dollar, the demand for Arizona homes will increase, supply then goes down, and Scottsdale real estate prices rise.

Snowbirds? the concept is similar as the Canadians, however, as more Baby Boomers retire, they seek out Scottsdale Arizona real estate due to the inviting weather.

Interest Rates? When interest rates fall more people can afford a house. The more people that can afford houses, the more houses are sold and the values go up.

US Dollar Strength in the World Market? this can effect Scottsdale real estate. As inflation goes up, the more people are paying for gas and food and the less money they have to put toward a real estate purchase or a mortgage. This means less buyers and the prices of real estate trends down. On the other hand, you have the devaluing of the dollar. As an alternative to holding stocks, that may be artificially inflated, people turn to gold, silver, or other real commodities like real estate. This can create more buyers and drive the prices down. Looking at these factors can help illustrate how the low income families will be able to afford less and not be able to buy real estate, while at the same time, the more affluent, who aren?t as effected by gas and food prices tend to buy more real estate to protect themselves against a devaluing dollar. In summation, we tend to see more investors and less owner occupants as the dollar loses value. When the dollar is gaining in value the opposite happens.

Here at RCP we watch the trends. We can help you in your next real estate purchase.

by Jason Moss


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