Monday, December 5, 2011

Ex-mayor of Stover sentenced for water act violations

The former mayor of Stover has been sentenced in federal court on charges related to violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Scott Allen Beckmann, 42, of Stover, was sentenced? Thursday to 10 years of probation, including five months of home confinement and 30 days in a half-way house. U.S. District Judge Nanette K. Laughrey also ordered Beckmann to pay a $10,000 fine, according to a news release from Beth Phillips, United States attorney for the Western District of Missouri.

As a condition of his probation, Beckmann is not allowed to work for the state of Missouri or any political subdivision of the state, including the city of Stover. Beckmann resigned as mayor of Stover on the morning of his sentencing hearing. Under Missouri law, it is illegal for a convicted felon to hold elected office.

On March 2, Beckmann was convicted at trial of misprision of a felony and of making a false statement to a federal agent. While mayor, he knew that the superintendent of the city?s public works department submitted a report that contained a false public water supply sampling location and concealed it from a federal Environmental Protection Agency criminal agent; Beckmann then lied to a federal law enforcement agent on Dec. 19, 2007.


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