Thursday, February 28, 2013

Italy vote arms critics of Berlin's austerity mantra

PARIS (Reuters) - Austerity opponents from Athens to Paris say Italy's election stalemate is proof that Europe's voters have had enough of the painful spending cuts that Germany and its northern allies prescribe for their less fortunate neighbors.

While the outcome will not persuade Germany to abandon its demands for budgetary rigor altogether, it makes it more likely debt-laden euro zone states will receive some leniency from Berlin, paymaster of the European Union, as long as they show real efforts on reform.

Early beneficiaries of that indulgence will be France, which in coming weeks expects to win a year's grace from the European Union to achieve deficit targets, and Cyprus, which Berlin now acknowledges must be offered an aid package next month.

"THE SOUTH IS COMING," Panos Kammenos, head of the fiercely anti-austerity and anti-German Independent Greeks party tweeted in response to the Italian election, which he saw as a backlash against the rigor imposed on southern states such as Greece, Portugal and Spain.

While the poll deadlock in Rome owes much to Italy's chaotic politics, it showed a huge popular protest against austerity measures and underlined the north-south split dividing Europe into debt sinners and self-appointed fiscal disciplinarians.

Stirring up animosities dating back to World War Two, the debt crisis has turned Angela Merkel, the unassuming daughter of an East German pastor, into Europe's most divisive leader since Britain's Tony Blair split the continent in two by backing the 2003 U.S.-led Iraq war.

Lampooned in banners on Irish soccer terraces and in Spanish and Greek cartoons, Merkel has become the embodiment of austerity and is among the tiny band of European politicians who stir genuine passions across the continent.

"Mrs Merkel cannot lead Europe alone," France's left-wing Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg said this week in a rare breach of French policy not to criticize the conservative German leader in public.


French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici, more senior to Montebourg in the government, declined to join such attacks in an interview for the Reuters Euro Zone Summit this week.

But he stated: "The message from Italy is: 'Be careful, when you are in a situation in which you ask populations to make sacrifices for long periods ... There needs to be another perspective - which is 'growth again'."

While Paris accepts that the might of the German economy has thrust Berlin into a crisis leadership role, officials complain in private that Germany has yet to work out how it can perform that role without raising the hackles of others.

German opposition chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrueck found himself on the wrong side of that dilemma on Wednesday - and in the process talked himself out of dinner with Italy's president - by describing ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi and comic-turned-politician Beppe Grillo, who both scored well in the election thanks to protest voters, as "clowns".

German leaders bristle at the accusation they are trying to browbeat Europe into their mould, with President Joachim Gauck - the largely ceremonial head of state - insisting last week that Berlin did not want to rule the continent by "German diktat".

"We don't want to intimidate others, nor force our ideas upon them. But we do stand by our experiences and want to share them," Gauck said in a speech, noting Germany's economy had been written off as unreformable less than a decade ago.

The hands of Merkel and Steinbrueck are tied; neither can expect to win a September election if they relent too much on a path of budgetary rigor that is as popular with German voters as it is poisonous to electorates in southern Europe.

But Germany's austerity push is not as monolithic as many opponents would have it.


Berlin already agreed last year to give Spain and Greece more time to seek budget cuts and, in a move intended as an attempt to boost growth and help the competitive edge of other euro economies, has let its domestic wage levels tick higher.

Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told the Reuters summit that stable finances remained a condition for growth, and warned against a repetition of the joint Franco-German push a decade ago to water down EU budget rules.

But he also showed a conciliatory line on France's admission last week that it will miss a 2013 deficit target of 3 percent of output.

"France is not saying it will flout the rules," he told the Stuttgarter Zeitung newspaper, adding it was time to look with the European Commission at what the admission meant for the EU stability pact governing deficit targets.

That gels with the Commission view that a postponement of deficit targets for countries on the brink of recession is possible if they are trying their hardest to secure reform.

Even the Netherlands, which for years played hardball on the need for southern countries to accept budget cuts, may now fall into that category after conceding on Thursday it will miss its own deficit target this year.

But European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso rejected the idea that the Italian vote would mean countries around the zone simply being let off the hook.

"We never said it would be easy ... But I insist for this kind of policy we need leadership, democratic leadership that has the courage to resist short-term considerations and the capability to explain to the public what is at stake," he told Reuters.

As always with politics, form is as important as substance.

Clemens Fuest, incoming president of Germany's ZEW centre for economic research, said that for Europe's leaders to keep selling austerity policies to their voters, they must also convince them they have a plan to kickstart the region's economies by highlighting efforts to prop up banks and private investors.

"They have to come up with a credible story that will tell voters there is some silver lining on the horizon," Fuest said. "There has to be some sort of growth story."

That is something on which, according to a conservative ally of Merkel, the German leader is already reflecting.

"If the economic situation in southern Europe gets worse, if unemployment continues to rise, that doesn't help her," said the ally, who requested anonymity.

"She wants to see growth. She has no interest in being seen as the source of the pain."

(Additional reporting by Reuters Euro Summit team; Nicholas Vinocur in Paris; Noah Barkin in Berlin; Deepa Babington in Athens; Fiona Ortiz and Manuel Maria Ruiz in Madrid; Padraic Halpin and Conor Humphries in Dublin; Gilbert Kreijger in Amsterdam; Editing by Will Waterman)


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Surprise! Shocking Big Data Stats from Big Business - Maximize ...

Surprise! Shocking Big Data Stats from Big BusinessSURPRISE! That is ultimate shock in what could be the most misunderstood big data stats ever released. As a social media management agency, even we must admit to having underestimated some of the risky business taking place behind the backs of CEO?s, investors and marketing pro?s alike. From thought leaders to industry experts, these big data stats are nothing short of shocking?and very instructive. Keep reading to discover what is lurking behind the big data facade and what it means for the future of social media marketing.

Big Business, Big Data & Big Insight

How does the Fortune 500 handle their data? That is the question being asked by investors, CEO?s and social media marketing experts alike. Aside from a few sporadic survey?s now and then, very few comprehensive assessments have ever been undertaken?until now. A recent review of big business data practices uncovered some interesting?if not somewhat discouraging?trends among the Fortune 500. This is especially troublesome when one realizes that these represent the biggest, most public and best funded corporations in the nation. Corporations that other small business entities look to for direction. Corporations that often collaborate with government entities to create or uphold data policies. Corporations that should know how to set a proper example.

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

We don?t want to paint an overly negative picture; in fact, many of the corporations surveyed demonstrated highly desirable data trends. It was those that didn?t which give cause for concern. For example?.

Roughly 80% of corporate data policies indicated they would share personal client data with a third party.

Now, as a social media management agency, we often speak about the need to have a strong data policy and even the need to abide by a formal request of information by law enforcement?this corporate trend totally excludes legal requests. No, this merely involves sharing with third party service providers, suppliers and even shippers. Is this a good thing or bad? Well, in reality it depends on how well the client understands what information is being collected and how it will be used. For example, the majority of social media users are happy to provide some basic information in exchange for entry into a contest or sweepstake. On the other hand, very few would appreciate making personal medical history known in exchange for access to their physician office. Of those that do share information, most do so with consent however, it should be noted that the issue of client consent is controversial at best. As a social media management firm, we can attest to the fickle nature of social media users, many of which given consent without ever taking the time to read terms or other ?fine print?. In short, it?s well understood within the industry that few consumers understand what they are agreeing to before providing consent. Does this matter? Maybe ? once again, it depends upon the industry. For those in traditional sales or social media marketing, it?s often better to err on the side of caution ?just in case?. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that attempting to inform consumers may actually worsen the problem. Many social media users routinely expect some level of personal privacy to be shared; taking the time to draw attention may make it seem out of the ordinary and therefore, much worse than it actually is?.a lesson Facebook and other major social media sites have encountered first-hand in recent months.

Roughly 16% fail to provide any type of written protocol on sharing of information whatsoever!

As a social media management firm, it?s hard for us to imagine why a major corporation would fail to inform clients on how data is to be used but according to recent research, only about 4% of Fortune 500 corporations refrain from sharing data with others while approximately 16% apparently don?t even have a policy in place.

All survey?s corporations purchased personal data and information!

Every single Fortune 500 organization involved in the survey indicated a consistent pattern of buying information from others?.and with good reason. Personal data is big business and the more data available, the more reliable and informed business decisions are possible. Are you making the most of your own client data? Do you know how to find, purchase and use available data from other providers? If not, you are only getting a small fraction of the information possible by working with a reputable social media management firm.

Over 45% engaged in targeted advertising yet over 90% distinguished between ?personally identifying information? gathering.

How can this be correct? On the one hand, big business is clearly engaged in the use of social media marketing, direct email and other targeted advertising techniques yet also denies compiling personally identifying information. As a social media management firm, both are indeed correct. It is possible to target specific cohorts of users?or even individual users?without breaching security and personal privacy! However, it does take work and should be carefully managed by properly trained social media marketing and other experts. More than a few major corporations have been sued over privacy related concerns including WebMD and other major marketing sites.

The future of data ownership is unclear.

Mobile marketing and social media are two venues causing a great deal of consternation among big business?primarily due to the ambiguity surrounding the ownership of data. For instance, popphoto recently reported the fact that many restaurant are prohibiting patrons from taking photographs of their food to upload to social media sites. Why? In fear of bad publicity when a given entre? falls short of the carefully crafted photographed meal used in traditional publicity. But who ?own? the meal once bought and paid for? Likewise, who ?owns? information such as check-in locations made possible via the GPS on a mobile cell phone or for that matter?who ?owns? the information related to a personal search query? To date, service providers have claimed at least a portion of ownership rights?and sales of big data based upon aggregated compilations of data derived from vast number of users. But do individual consumers have a right to their own information and if so, what dollar value and/or legal and financial terms are appropriate for usage? This is the emerging question being asked by global social media marketing agencies especially now that France and other EU nations are considering a proposed global tax on the ?free labor? and other efforts brought about by the combined talents of millions of social media users.


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Huge crowd for pope's final audience

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict bade an emotional farewell at his last general audience on Wednesday, saying he understood the gravity of his decision to become the first pontiff to resign in 700 years but he had done it for the good of the Church.

"I took this step in full awareness of its gravity and rarity but also with profound serenity of spirit," he told a packed crowd in Saint Peter's Square.

He said he was not "coming down from the cross" despite renouncing his office but would remain in the service of the church through prayer. He asked the faithful to pray for the cardinals and whoever they chose as his successor.

(Reporting By Phillip Pullella; writing by James Mackenzie, editing by Barry Moody)


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Widow to Supreme Court: DOMA is unconstitutional

Andy Kropa / Getty Images

By Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News

A federal law that leaves hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples without any recognition of their marriage violates the Constitution, lawyers for a woman whose wife?s death left her unprotected from more than $350,000 in estate taxes said in a legal brief Tuesday, one month before the Supreme Court hears her case.?

The landmark case is one of two the court will hear in March about the battle over whether same-sex couples can legally wed, and if they do, whether they can receive spousal benefits and get the same rights that heterosexual couples currently enjoy.

The former is a legal fight over California?s Proposition 8, which bans gay marriage, and the latter centers on Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars recognition of same-sex marriage at the federal level.

Of a few cases brought to the high court challenging DOMA, the justices chose to hear the one brought by Edie Windsor, whose wife, Thea Spyer, died in 2009. The New York couple married in 2007 in Canada, though they were?together for 44 years before Spyer died.

Spyer left her estate to Windsor. As a married heterosexual couple there would have been no estate tax. But Windsor was left with a federal tax bill of $363,000 since the couple?s marriage was not recognized by the U.S. government.

The lawyers? brief filed Tuesday by Windsor?s lawyers argues that DOMA's?Section 3, which defines marriage at the federal level, ?violates the Constitution because it treats married gay couples differently than married straight couples? for ?no logical reason,? the American Civil Liberties Union, part of Windsor's legal team, said in a summary of the brief.

Gays and lesbians, who have already endured a long history of discrimination, the ACLU said, were subjected to further discrimination from DOMA, which they noted Congress passed in 1996 ?based on fear of and stereotypes about gay people, rather than any legitimate government purpose.? ?

?But the Constitution doesn?t permit the government to pass a law just to disadvantage a politically unpopular group of people,? the group added.

DOMA affects more than 1,100 provisions of federal laws, denying gay couples the right to file joint taxes, the protections of the Family Medical and Leave Act, and blocks surviving spouses from accessing veterans? benefits, among other things, Windsor?s lawyers said.

?DOMA excludes married couples who are gay from all of the rights, privileges and obligations that the federal government otherwise affords married couples,? her lawyers? brief said.

Two lower courts have agreed with Windsor and her attorneys. Other lower courts that reviewed DOMA challenges elsewhere, such as in Boston, reached similar findings.

The Obama administration filed a brief last Friday?in the case with the Supreme Court asking it to throw out Section 3, which it had already stopped defending.

The administration also mentioned California's Proposition 8 and similar measures in other states as evidence that anti-gay discrimination remained a major problem.?

The appeal of the lower courts? decision was brought by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a congressional group made of three Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner, and two Democrats.

In its brief, filed in late January, the group argued to let the debate over same-sex marriage continue to play out as it has been through votes in many states and public debate, saying ?gays and lesbians have substantial political power, and that power is growing. Victories at the ballot box that would have been unthinkable a decade ago have become routine,? it said, apparently referring to wins for same-sex marriage in four states last November.

?There is absolutely no reason to think that gays and lesbians are shut out of the political process to a degree that would justify judicial intervention on an issue as divisive and fastmoving as same-sex marriage,? the group said, as it urged the court not to step in.

?Indeed, the democratic process has substantial advantages over constitutionalizing this issue. Same-sex marriage is being actively debated in legislatures, in the press, and at every level of government and society across the country. That is how it should be,? the group added.

The court will hear on DOMA from both sides on March 27, one day after Proposition 8 supporters and opponents go before the justices.


Once 'inconceivable,' Republican leaders sign pro-gay marriage brief
US asks Supreme Court to strike down law denying benefits to same-sex couples
Supreme Court to take up same-sex marriage issue?



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Apple signals emerging-market rethink with India push

NEW DELHI/BANGALORE (Reuters) - As BlackBerry launches the first smartphone from its make-or-break BB10 line in India, one of its most loyal markets, the company faces new competition from a formidable rival that has long had a minimal presence in the country.

More than four years after it started selling iPhones in India, Apple Inc is now aggressively pushing the iconic device through installment payment plans that make it more affordable, a new distribution model and heavy marketing blitz.

"Now your dream phone" at 5,056 rupees ($93), read a recent full front-page ad for an iPhone 5 in the Times of India, referring to the initial payment on a phone priced at $840, or almost two months' wages for an entry-level software engineer.

The new-found interest in India suggests a subtle strategy shift for Apple, which has moved tentatively in emerging markets and has allowed rivals such as Samsung and BlackBerry to dominate with more affordable smartphones. With the exception of China, all of its Apple stores are in advanced economies.

Apple expanded its India sales effort in the latter half of 2012 by adding two distributors. Previously it sold iPhones only through a few carriers and stores it calls premium resellers.

The result: iPhone shipments to India between October and December nearly tripled to 250,000 units from 90,000 in the previous quarter, according to an estimate by Jessica Kwee, a Singapore-based analyst at consultancy Canalys.

At The MobileStore, an Indian chain owned by the Essar conglomerate, which says it sells 15 percent of the iPhones in the country, iPhone sales tripled between December and January, thanks to a monthly payment scheme launched last month.

"Most people in India can't afford a dollar-priced phone when the salaries in India are rupee salaries. But the desire is the same," said Himanshu Chakrawarti, its chief executive.

Apple, the distributors, retailers and banks share the advertising and interest cost of the marketing push, according to Chakrawarti. Carriers like Bharti Airtel Ltd, which also sell the iPhone 5, run separate ads.

India is the world's No. 2 cellphone market by users, but most Indians cannot afford fancy handsets. Smartphones account for just a tenth of total phone sales. In India, 95 percent of cellphone users have prepaid accounts without a fixed contract. Unlike in the United States, carriers do not subsidise handsets.

Within the smartphone segment, Apple's Indian market share last quarter was just 5 percent, according to Canalys, meaning its overall penetration is tiny.

Still, industry research firm IDC expects the Indian smartphone market to grow more than five times from about 19 million units last year to 108 million in 2016, which presents a big opportunity.

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd dominates Indian smartphone sales with a 40 percent share, thanks to its wide portfolio of Android devices priced as low as $110. The market has also been flooded by cheaper Android phones from local brands such as Micromax and Lava.

Most smartphones sold in India are much cheaper than the iPhone, said Gartner analyst Anshul Gupta.

"Where the masses are - there, Apple still has a gap."


Apple helped create the smartphone industry with the iPhone in 2007. But last year Apple lost its lead globally to Samsung whose smartphones, which run on Google Inc's free Android software, are especially attractive in Asia.

Many in Silicon Valley and Wall Street believe the surest way to penetrate lower-income Asian markets would be with a cheaper iPhone, as has been widely reported but never confirmed. The risk is that a cheap iPhone would cannibalize demand for the premium version and eat into Apple's peerless margins.

The new monthly payment plan in India goes a long way to expanding the potential market, said Chakrawarti.

"The Apple campaign is not meant for really the regular top-end customer, it is meant to upgrade the 10,000-12,000 handset guy to 45,000 rupees," he said.

Apple's main focus for expansion in Asia has been Greater China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong, where revenue grew 60 percent last quarter to $7.3 billion.

Asked last year why Apple had not been as successful in India, Chief Executive Tim Cook said its business in India was growing but the group remained more focused on other markets.

"I love India, but I believe that Apple has some higher potential in the intermediate term in some other countries," Cook said. "The multi-layer distribution there really adds to the cost of getting products to market," he said at the time.

Apple, which has partly addressed that by adding distributors, did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Ingram Micro Inc, one of its new distributors, also declined comment. Executives at Redington (India) Ltd, the other distributor, could not immediately be reached.

BlackBerry, which has seen its global market share shrivel to 3.4 percent from 20 percent over the past three years, is making what is seen as a last-ditch effort to save itself with the BB10 series.

The high-end BlackBerry Z10 was launched in India on Monday at 43,490 rupees ($800), close to the 45,500 rupees price tag for an iPhone 5 with 16 gigabytes of memory. Samsung's Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, Nokia's Lumia 920 and two HTC Corp models are the main iPhone rivals.

BlackBerry will target corporate users and consumers in India for the Z10, said Sunil Dutt, India managing director, adding that it will tie-up with banks for installment plans.

Until last year, BlackBerry was the No. 3 smartphone brand in India with market share of more than 10 percent, thanks to a push into the consumer segment with lower-priced phones. Last quarter its share fell to about 5 percent, putting it in fifth place, according to Canalys. Apple was sixth.

(Additional reporting by Aradhana Aravindan in MUMBAI and Poornima Gupta in SAN FRANCISCO; Editing by Tony Munroe, Mark Bendeich and Chris Gallagher)


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Nokia Lumia 720 unveiled: 4.3-inch ClearBlack display, 9mm thick, 6.7MP Carl Zeiss, wireless charging capable

Nokia Lumia 720 unveiled 43inch ClearBlack display, 9mm thickness, 67megapixel Carl Zeiss, wireless charging capable

Notice Vogue in that live tile up there? That's because Nokia's toning down its focus on imaging innovation at this year's MWC (remember the PureView 808?) for a hyper-targeted take on the mid-range: the Lumia 720. Made for über-social types prone to late night party shots, selfies and multimedia uploads, this 4.3-inch device builds on the polycarbonate unibody of its 920 elder, albeit in a much slimmer and smoother form factor. Measuring just 9mm in thickness and weighing 128 grams (4.5 ounces), the 720 also bears the distinction of being Nokia's most svelte Windows Phone 8 device to date. It also packs a dual-core 1GHz Snapdragon CPU (the same as the Lumia 520), 512MB RAM, 800 x 480 ClearBlack display, 2,000mAh battery, NFC and an option for wireless charging (enabled by a separate snap-on cover) into the trendiest design the company could create.

To push that trendsetting message forward, Nokia's imbued the 720 with a dual camera setup that's ideal for the party circuit (e.g., lowlight shots and self-portraits). Up front, there's a 1.3-megapixel camera with wide-angle lens and a 6.7-megapixel rear shooter with f/1.9 lens on back, specifically crafted by Carl Zeiss labs to take in more light. And as a further lure for the vainglorious types that may pick it up, the 720 will also ship with a new digital lens pre-loaded: Glam Me.

As the name implies, this proprietary filter allows users to edit their images (whiten teeth, oversaturate colors, widen eyes, etc.) before sharing on social networking sites. In addition to that proprietary camera software perk, Nokia's also tacked-on its full suite of Here apps (Drive, Transit and Maps), as well as Nokia Music -- all exclusives to the Lumia line.

Nokia fans keen on a US release will have to sit and wait this one out (or opt for the Lumia 520 on T-Mobile). At present, the Lumia 720's only set to launch in Asia (specifically China) and parts of Europe in five colors (cyan, black, yellow, red and glossy white) for €249 (about $330 USD) this Q2 2013. Head on past the break for the official PR.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Pistorius' brother facing charge in traffic death

JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- The murder case involving Olympic star Oscar Pistorius took another unexpected turn Sunday with the news that his older brother, Carl, is himself facing charges for the death of a woman in a traffic accident.

Carl Pistorius faces a charge of unlawful, negligent killing for a 2008 road death, ''in which a woman motorcyclist sadly lost her life,'' Kenneth Oldwage, the Pistorius family lawyer said on Sunday. The charge of ''culpable homicide'' was dropped and then reinstated and will be challenged in court, the lawyer told The Associated Press.

It is the second time someone associated with the Pistorius case has been found to face a serious charge that has been dropped and then reinstated. It was revealed that the chief police investigator in the case is facing charges of seven counts of attempted murder for shooting at a vehicle with seven passengers. Following the revelations, Hilton Botha was removed from the Pistorius investigation and a new chief detective was appointed on Thursday.

To drop and then reinstate charges is ''not uncommon in South African criminal law. The law specifically makes provision to allow charges to be dropped and then to be reinstated as a result of further investigations,'' said Jacob van Garderen, director of Lawyers for Human Rights. ''It is a practical procedure, a process that is there to assist both sides.''

In another twist this weekend, model Reeva Steenkamp, who was shot to death by Oscar Pistorius on Valentine's Day was on television again in a new episode of the reality show ''Tropika Island of Treasure 5'' even though she was buried last Tuesday.

On Monday, Oscar Pistorius must report to the police station in Brooklyn, a suburb of the nation's capital Pretoria, and sign in, a twice-weekly procedure which is part of his bail conditions.

Pistorius was released on bail Friday and stayed at the home of his uncle Arnold in Waterkloof, an affluent suburb of Pretoria, where Oscar is now staying. His brother, Carl, came to visit the house Sunday.

The problem confronting his older brother Carl is the latest complication in a case that has transfixed South Africa and much of the world.

''It's also doubly sad because it's involved with Oscar and his brother and all the family - so they have double sort of trouble,'' said Johannesburg resident Jim Plester.

Lawyer Oldwage said that ''Carl deeply regrets the accident'' and that a blood test showed he was not drunk at the time. He said the charges had initially been dropped, only to be reinstated later.

Oscar Pistorius was charged with premeditated murder, but the athlete says he killed his girlfriend accidentally, opening fire after mistaking her for an intruder in his home.

The character of Pistorius also continued to take center stage. For many, it mirrors his public appearances as an articulate, well-spoken advocate for Paralympic athletes facing hardship. Witness statements describing Pistorius as a down-to-earth guy were presented at the hearing.

Others have described him as a reckless risk taker who has been in trouble before, such as a boating accident in 2009 which put him into a hospital intensive care unit.

But in a report on Sunday, a South African man who said Steenkamp had stayed at his home since September, described Pistorius as moody and impatient. Cecil Myers, whose daughter was close friends with Steenkamp, said in an interview in the City Press newspaper, that Pistorius will have the killing of Steenkamp on his conscience. ''I hope he gets a long sentence. Gets what he deserves,'' said Myers.

Pistorius appeared ''very nice and charming to us when they started dating,'' said Myers. Myers said Pistorius initially used to come into the house but later just dropped Steenkamp off and picked her up when they began to date steadily, and he described the change as a lack of respect.

Myers recalled their first date and told the newspaper: ''After that he wouldn't leave her alone. He kept pestering her, phoning and phoning and phoning her.''

According to Myers, Steenkamp ''told me he pushed her a bit into a corner. She felt caged in.''

Myers said he told Pistorius ''not to force himself on her. Back off.'' He said that after initially agreeing with him, it appeared that Pistorius soon took no heed.

Myers declined to respond to a request for more information from Associated Press.

In the bail hearing, a character reference for Pistorius, acknowledged that ''the only issue in the relationship that I was made aware of was that Reeva sometimes thought Oscar was moving a little fast.''

Pistorius was born without fibula bones due to a congenital defect and his legs were amputated when he was 11 months old. He has run on carbon-fiber blades and was originally banned from competing against able-bodied peers because many argued that his blades gave him an unfair advantage. He was later cleared to compete. He is a multiple Paralympic medalist, and won a silver medal at the 2011 Daegu world championships with South Africa's 4x400 relay team. But he failed to win a medal at the London Olympics, where he ran in the 400 meter race and the 4x400 relay race.


AP Sports Writers Gerald Imray contributed from Centurion and John Leicester from Johannesburg. AP Writers Christopher Torchia and Andrew Meldrum contributed from Johannesburg.


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Hotter, wetter climate slashes labor capacity by 10 percent: study

Mark Webb / The Herald Dispatch / AP, file

In this Thursday, July 21, 2011 photo, Patrick Nelson wipes the sweat from his face while working on a project for Huntington Community Gardens as temperatures reach over 90 degrees in Huntington, W. Va.

By Deborah Zabarenko, Reuters

WASHINGTON ? Earth's increasingly hot, wet climate has cut the amount of work people can do in the worst heat by about 10 percent in the past six decades, and that loss in labor capacity could double by mid-century, U.S. government scientists reported on Sunday.

Because warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air, there's more absolute humidity in the atmosphere now than there used to be. And as anyone who has sweltered through a hot, muggy summer knows, it's more stressful to work through hot months when the humidity is high.

To figure out the stress of working in hotter, wetter conditions, experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration looked at military and industrial guidelines already in place for heat stress, and set those guidelines against climate projections for how hot and humid it's likely to get over the next century.

Their findings were stark: "We project that heat stress-related labor capacity losses will double globally by 2050 with a warming climate," said lead author John Dunne of NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton.

Work capability is already down to 90 percent during the most hot and humid periods, Dunne and his co-authors wrote in the journal Nature Climate Change. Using a middle-of-the-road projection of future temperature and humidity, they estimate that could drop to 80 percent by 2050.

A more extreme scenario of future global warming, which estimated a temperature rise of 10.8 degrees F, would make it difficult to work in the hottest months in many parts of the world, Dunne said at a telephone briefing.

Labor capacity would be all but eliminated in the lower Mississippi Valley and most of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains would be exposed to heat stress "beyond anything experienced in the world today," he said.


Under this scenario, heat stress in New York City would exceed that of present-day Bahrain, while in Bahrain, the heat and humidity could cause hyperthermia - potentially dangerous overheating - even in sleeping people who were not working at all.

Humans are endothermic creatures, which means they give off heat. If they can't get rid of it faster than they create it, they go into hyperthermia. Typically, humans cool off by doing less heat-producing activity, but it may get so hot and humid that even a sleeping person wouldn't be able to dissipate heat fast enough.

"This planet will start experiencing heat stress that's unlike anything experienced today," said Ronald Stouffer, a co-author of the study.

The only way to retain labor capacity, Dunne said, is to limit global warming to less than 5 degrees F.

Global average temperature has risen by about 1.2 degrees F compared to pre-industrial times. It is likely to rise another 1.8 degrees F by mid-century, Dunne said.

The way some workers already adapt to heat stress - taking a siesta during the hottest hours of the day, working outdoor jobs like construction at night when temperatures drop or ceasing work entirely during periods of peak heat and humidity ? could migrate to places where heat stress is increasing.

The U.S. West Coast and Northern Europe are likely to be two of the regions that will be affected last by the trend toward more hot and humid climate, the scientists said.

Part of the issue is how well-adapted certain regions are to extreme heat stress, Dunne said.

As an example, he noted that some 70,000 people were killed during a disastrous 2003 heat wave in Europe, where heat stress was highly unusual. However, the same kind of stress was normal for a place like India, where a similar heat wave killed 3,000.

"It's very regionally dependent and highly determined by adaptation," Dunne said.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Moody's strips UK of coveted triple-A debt rating

NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) - Britain suffered its first ever sovereign ratings downgrade from a major agency on Friday, after Moody's stripped the country of its coveted top-notch triple-A rating, dealing a major blow to finance minister George Osborne.

Moody's cut Britain's rating by one notch to Aa1 from Aaa, with a stable outlook, blaming weak prospects for Britain's economy over the coming years which have thrown the government's deficit reduction strategy off course.

Austerity has been the watch word for Osborne's fiscal policy since his Conservative-led coalition came to power in 2010 after an election in which he vowed to defend Britain's triple-A rating, which keeps down borrowing costs.

But weak growth - which the opposition Labour Party blames partly on too much austerity - has pushed the government's goal of largely eliminating the budget deficit by 2015 at least two years off track.

Many in financial markets had expected at least one major agency to downgrade Britain this year.

Following the release of January public finances data on Thursday, the government's fiscal watchdog said the government may struggle to reduce borrowing at all during the current fiscal year, which finishes at the end of March.

Britain now joins the United States and France in having lost its triple-A rating from at least one major agency, having held the top-notch rating from Moody's and S&P since 1978, and from Fitch Ratings since 1994.

Moody's said that despite considerable structural economic strengths, Britain's growth is expected to be sluggish due to a combination of weaker global economic activity and a drag "from the ongoing domestic public and private-sector de-leveraging process."

Trend growth for Britain's economy is between 2 and 2.5 percent, Moody's sovereign credit analyst Sarah Carlson said in a telephone interview with Reuters.

"We see growth slowly building back up to that trend ... but if you take a combination of the growth and fiscal dynamics, the result is that the debt burden of gross general debt to GDP peaks in 2016, which is substantially later than was expected a few years ago," she said.

Osborne insisted in a statement that now was not the time to change course and borrow more to boost growth, which the Labour Party as well as some political allies have recommended.

"Tonight we have a stark reminder of the debt problems facing our country and the clearest possible warning to anyone who thinks we can run away from dealing with those problems," he said. "Far from weakening our resolve to deliver our economic recovery plan, this decision redoubles it."

Sterling fell to around $1.5160 after the downgrade from about $1.5240, just off Thursday's fresh 2-1/2-year low.

"It's a pretty big deal. We didn't see a huge reaction in the pound because it's late in the New York session. But you'll see some more aggressive selling when the markets open (in Asia) on Sunday," said Kathy Lien, managing director at BK Asset Management in New York.

But Charles Diebel, a fixed income strategist at British bank Lloyds, was more sanguine about the impact of the downgrade on British government debt prices.

"This has been speculated as inevitable and is most likely largely in the market. I would expect only very limited damage to the gilt curve and to sterling. Historically, losing your AAA is actually a bond bullish event," he said.

(Additional reporting by Steven C. Johnson in New York and Michael Holden in London; Editing by James Dalgleish and Jon Hemming)


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Doctor: Iraqi president communicating after stroke

BAGHDAD (AP) ? A doctor who oversees Iraqi President Jalal Talabani's medical care says the president is able to speak and understand people around him as he recovers from a stroke he suffered over two months ago.

In an interview Sunday Dr. Najmaldin Karim described the improvement in the president's health as encouraging and "a good development." Karim oversees Talabani's medical care when he is in Iraq, although the president is currently in Germany for treatment.

Karim says he is hopeful Talabani will be able to return to Iraq, but acknowledged that any decision rests with the doctors treating him in Germany.

Talabani was rushed to a hospital on December 17 for what officials described as a serious stroke. He was later moved to Germany. Few details have been released about his condition.


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Attack By Chondrite: Scientists ID Russian Meteor

Researchers who studied pieces of the meteor collected near Lake Cherbarkul say it was a common chondrite meteor. The largest of the 53 fragments was one centimeter in diameter. Photo provided by the Urals Federal University Press Service.

Alexander Khlopotov/AP

Researchers who studied pieces of the meteor collected near Lake Cherbarkul say it was a common chondrite meteor. The largest of the 53 fragments was one centimeter in diameter. Photo provided by the Urals Federal University Press Service.

Alexander Khlopotov/AP

The meteor that caused at least 1,000 injuries in Russia after a startling and powerful daytime explosion one week ago has been identified as a chondrite. Russian scientists who analyzed fragments of the meteor, whose large size and well-documented impact made it a rarity, say that its composition makes it the most common type of meteor we encounter here on Earth.

"The fragments contain a standard number of minerals, including olivine, pyroxene, troilite and kamacite," scientist Viktor Grokhovsky of the Urals Federal University, told the Voice of Russia. "These minerals that can be discovered only in outer space confirm the fragments' extraterrestrial nature."

That means that before it shattered windows in the city of Chelyabinsk and turned people around the world into gawkers fascinated by a calamity ? and by the amazing video footage of it ? the meteor spent billions of years traveling through space.

When it detonated over Russia, the explosion was powerful enough to be "detected by 17 nuclear monitoring stations around the globe," as The Christian Science Monitor reports.

The meteor, which may have weighed as much as 10,000 tons and measured about 55 feet across, was traveling at an estimated 11 miles per second when it reached Earth, according to a report at io9.

"Chondrites are some of the most primitive rocks in the solar system," says Britain's Natural History Museum. "These 4.5-billion-year-old meteorites have not changed much from the asteroid they came from."

The museum says the meteor's name ? pronounced with a hard "K" sound ? comes from the Greek word for grains of sand.

But in the region where the meteor fell, the chondrite goes by another title: a chance to cash in. As NPR's David Greene tells Linda Wertheimer on Morning Edition, people have been scrambling to collect pieces of the famous meteor.

"A 16-year-old pulled one out of his pocket and said, 'Here's a piece of the meteor, right here," David says. "And this black market is developing. People have been coming to these villages and offering $100, $200 for little handfuls of space debris. The government's worried that people are going to be trying to sell it fraudulently. So, this whole new economic reality is developing around this stuff."


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Most charges dismissed against ex-Blackwater execs

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- The federal prosecution of five former employees of the private security firm Blackwater has crumbled after the defendants said they were acting at the behest of the CIA by providing five guns as gifts to King Abdullah II of Jordan.

Federal prosecutors indicted former Blackwater president Gary Jackson and four others in 2010 on a long list of felony firearms violations involving dozens of weapons, including 17 M-4 military assault rifles and 17 Romanian-made AK-47s.

All charges against three of the accused were dismissed Thursday at the request of prosecutors after a federal judge ruled earlier this month to reduce several of the felony charges to misdemeanors.

Under a plea agreement, Jackson and former company vice president William Matthews admitted guilt Thursday on misdemeanor charges related to record keeping violations, resulting in $5,000 fines and four months house arrest. They had originally faced decades in prison on 12 felony charges each.

"At the time the Department of Justice brought this case I don't think they knew all of the facts," Kenneth Bell, Jackson's lawyer, said Friday. "Through three years of discovery and litigation, I think they came to know the facts, and did the right thing once they understood the facts."

Thomas Walker, a U.S. attorney for eastern North Carolina, stressed that the case did result in guilty pleas.

"Accountability is important even if it was the former president and vice president of Blackwater," Walker said. "At the end of the day, no one is absolved from properly reporting the movement of firearms and the defendants' pleas of guilty stand for that proposition."

Thursday's guilty pleas ended one of several criminal cases and lawsuits filed in the last decade against Blackwater, which was founded in 1997 in North Carolina by former Navy SEAL Erik Prince and awarded massive no-bid security contracts from U.S. government at the beginning of the Iraq War.

The company's overseas operations became the focus of international scrutiny when Blackwater guards were involved in a series of high-profile overseas shootings, the most notorious being the 2007 shootings in Nisoor Square in Baghdad that left 17 Iraqis dead. Five former Blackwater employees currently face federal manslaughter charges stemming from the shootings.

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided Blackwater's 7,000-acre training compound in Moyok, N.C., in 2008, seizing the automatic weapons. The company, which was registered with the ATF as a federal firearms dealer, claimed it was simply storing the guns owned by the Camden County Sheriff's Office, which had only a handful of deputies.

The company was limited by its federal firearms license in how many automatic weapons it could legally own. But law enforcement agencies are not. Blackwater contracted a sheriff's department employee as a "weapons custodian" at the company's compound, where the assault rifles were routinely used in training exercises with Blackwater's clients. Prosecutors said the arrangement was intended to subvert the federal restrictions on how many automatic weapons could be at the company's facility.

Several of the federal charges were related to a Bushmaster M4 rifle, three Glock handguns and a Remington shotgun presented to King Abdullah and his traveling entourage during a 2005 visit to Blackwater's headquarters. Prosecutors said the weapons were part of a bid for Blackwater to land a lucrative security contract with Jordan and that registration records tracking the guns were later falsified to claim the weapons were sold to individuals.

Though many documents in the court file are still under seal for national security reasons, it appears the government's case began to unravel last year when defense lawyers produced sworn statements from two retired CIA officials who said they knew about the weapons presented to the king.

John Macguire, who described himself as a CIA officer for 23 years ending in 2005, and Charles Seidel, who said he was CIA station chief in the Jordanian capital of Amman in 2005, said they would be willing to testify about their knowledge of government involvement if the spy agency allowed it.

"I have information related to the transfer of firearms to the King of Jordan described in numerous counts of the indictment and how the U.S. government's authorization for the transfer of those weapons took place," Maguire said in a statement filed with the court.

A group of investors bought Blackwater in December 2010 from Prince, renaming the company Xe. It changed names again the following year, becoming ACADEMI.

On Friday, company spokeswoman Kelly Gannon said none of the former Blackwater executives worked for ACADEMI or the current ownership.

Last year, ACADEMI settled federal criminal charges against the company, paying a $7.5 million fine over the firearms violations, lying to federal regulators, illegally shipping body armor overseas and passing secret plans for armored personnel carriers to firms in Sweden and Denmark without U.S. government approval.

The Arlington, Va.-based company settled lawsuits brought by survivors of the Iraqi civilians killed during the Baghdad shooting. ACADEMI also settled a lawsuit brought by families of former Blackwater security guards who were killed and mutilated during a botched mission through Fallujah in 2004.

Two of the Blackwater employees' charred bodies were photographed hanging from a bridge while a crowd of Iraqis that included children cheered, producing one of the most indelible and disturbing images of the war.


Follow Associated Press writer Michael Biesecker at


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The new HTC One and Sense: Hello, gorgeous!

During events simultaneously held in New York City and London Tuesday, HTC unveiled its latest phone, the slender HTC One, along with the newest version of the HTC Sense user experience. The upgrades ? everything from a new camera and powerful quad-core processor to a Windows Phone-style tile interface ? make this quite the desirable handset.

Jason MacKenzie, president of global sales at HTC, handled the unveiling in New York City. He proudly declared that the HTC One "improves every part of the smartphone experience."

The HTC One has a quadcore processor, 2GB of RAM, a stunning 4.7-inch 1080p HD display, and a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera. In the back, the One has what's being dubbed the HTC Zoe camera with Ultra Pixel. (HTC didn't reveal how many megapixels the main camera packs, but we've heard rumors that it's a 13-megapixel monster.)

There are front-facing stereo speakers (which supposedly give significantly clearer sound) and dual-microphones. Those dual-microphones may help you record typically overwhelming sound, such as in a concert hall, and also offer crisper calls.

HTC's design director, Jonah Becker showed off the new HTC Sense ? version 5, in case you're wondering. He made it a point to emphasize BlinkFeed, which puts something resembling tiles containing social updates, photos, news and other relevant details onto your homescreen, to keep you up to date on things. (Yes, yes. we've seen features like this before, but in our early look, it appears that HTC implemented it quite nicely.)

HTC also redesigned its music player, which "takes advantage of the cloud" to provide extra info. Lyrics can appear in real time with music, for instance. This seems rather useful ? especially if you're a rising karaoke star.

What's truly fantastic about the One is something called HTC Zoe. I accidentally discovered this feature while playing with the One prior to HTC's event. Zoe lets you create "live galleries," by recording three-second snippets of video every time you take a photo. (Yes, this instantly reminded me of Twitter's Vine, but it's significantly lower effort ... since the video snippets are recorded without a user needing to do anything other than take a photo.) The resulting clips are clear and gorgeous, even in dimly lit environments.

I have to say, I am rather impressed with the new HTC One. The phone is slender and light ? despite its gigantic display ? and its aluminum unibody is gorgeous. Even though I've had qualms about prior variations of HTC Sense, I found the latest version to be snappy and responsive. My initial impressions have me enamored with this Android device ? and that's definitely high praise coming from an iPhone fangirl.

T-Mobile and AT&T chimed in to say that they will offer the HTC One. A press release from HTC revealed that Sprint will carry the device as well. (No luck for Verizon customers though? We asked the carrier and received a "no comment." Here's hoping that just means Verizon is still testing the device, and won't confirm until it passes muster.) No details on pricing, but we do know that the HTC One should start shipping in late March. When the time comes, you'll be able to get the One in black or silver, in 32GB or 64GB variations.

Want more tech news or interesting links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on Twitter, subscribing to her Facebook posts, or circling her on Google+.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yota To Mass Produce E-ink Phone In Singapore

yotaphoneRussian phone maker Yota Devices will start making its first dual-screen e-ink YotaPhones in Singapore. The company has signed with Hi-P, a manufacturer in the country, to have it mass-produce the devices. Yota’s COO, Lau Geckler, told us that he is also in Singapore to help set up Yota’s Asian sales office and the company’s second R&D facility. Its original R&D center is in Finland, and it has development teams in Russia and the U.S., he said. The company is now hiring mainly sales and marketing staff for Asia and in the U.S. to add to the 55 people it has in its headquarters in Russia, which take care of software development and design. Geckler, who joined Yota last August, said the company has been on an aggressive hiring spree, and that the team has grown from 15 when he joined to its current size. When I met him, he showed me the YotaPhone. The charger was hastily bound to the phone by a rubber band, and he apologized, noting that it is still in prototype form, but the company expects to iron out all those kinks together with Hi-P here, as it takes it to mass production. He wouldn’t talk of how many phones they had committed to make here, but I get the feeling that once things ramp up, Yota could be free to move the process to a cheaper location in China, perhaps. Geckler said that the company intends to own as much of the manufacturing process’ IP as possible. Still, it won’t be for a while. He said that Yota isn’t looking to sign on more manufacturing partners for now, and it is keen to first start selling in Russia, before moving into Asian markets, particularly Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and Hong Kong, where interest has been high. Japanese users, in particular, tend to hold both e-ink e-reader devices and smartphones, so the product seems fit for them, he added. Yota was a spin-off of Russian operator, Yota, in December 2011. Yota recently merged with Megafon,?a fellow operator in the country. Back in Russia, Yota also sells LTE modems, routers and dongles. It’s sold 3 million of these devices so far, and last year sold a million.


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Rubio Stops in Jordan During Trip to Middle East

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is on a tour of the Middle East this week, which will include a stop in Israel.

Rubio met Monday with King Abdullah II in Jordan along with other members of the Jordanian government to talk about the Syrian war and the economic and security cooperation between the United States and Jordan. Rubio also met with former Syrian Prime Minister Riad Hijab, who defected to Jordan last year. This marked Rubio's first ever trip to Jordan.

The Florida senator, who is accompanied on the trip by his wife Jeanette, will make his second trip to Israel at the end of the week, when he will meet with President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"America's friendship with Israel is a truly special one, and we must continue to do all we can to support this beacon of democracy, religious freedom and free enterprise in the heart of an unstable region," Rubio said in a post on his website over the weekend. "As Iran continues its pursuit of a nuclear weapon, we must continue to apply pressure through every possible means in order to prevent a nuclear Iran. And I look forward to assessing the impact American security assistance is having and discussing the importance of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt and how we can maintain it during this time of great uncertainty and tumult in Egypt."

The White House announced earlier this month that President Obama will visit Israel this spring.

"The start of the president's second term and the formation of a new Israeli government offer the opportunity to reaffirm the deep and enduring bonds between the United States and Israel and to discuss the way forward on a broad range of issues of mutual concern, including Iran and Syria," Tommy Vietor, National Security Council spokesman, said earlier this month.

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News in Brief: Smoking damages mouse brains

Signs of Alzheimer?s disease appear after rodents breathe cigarette smoke

By Laura Sanders

Web edition: February 19, 2013

Cigarette smoke damages the lungs, but it also wreaks havoc in the brain, a study in mice suggests. Signs of Alzheimer?s disease increased in the brains of animals that breathed cigarette smoke for four months, scientists report February 19 in Nature Communications.

The relationship between smoking and Alzheimer?s in people is murky. Some evidence from the 1990s suggested that smoking actually protected people against Alzheimer?s, presumably by stimulating nicotine-detecting brain cells. More recent studies have found that smoking ups the odds of the disease.

To see what cigarettes do to the brain, scientists led by Claudio Soto of the University of Texas Medical School at Houston turned to mice. In animals bred to show signs of Alzheimer?s, cigarette smoke (one cigarette?s worth in air the mouse breathed for an hour, five days a week) worsened aspects of the disease. Compared with mice that weren?t exposed, mice exposed to smoke had several signs of Alzheimer?s: they had more amyloid beta plaques, a higher load of abnormal tau protein and more severe inflammation in their brains.

The scientists don?t know yet how cigarette smoke causes these changes, or whether a similar process happens in people.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Highly flexible organic semiconductors: Research paves way for thin-sheet plastic displays or wearable electronics

Feb. 15, 2013 ? Organic semiconductors hold promise for making low-cost flexible electronics -- conceivably video displays that bend like book pages or roll and unroll like posters, or wearable circuitry sewn into uniforms or athletic wear. Researchers have demonstrated the ability to "print" transistors made of organic crystals on flexible plastic sheets, using technology that resembles inkjet or gravure printing.

However, for the technology's potential to be realized, scientists have to show that these organic semiconductors will withstand the rugged handling they invite -- they will need to perform reliably in spite of frequent flexing and sharp bending.

In an article published Dec. 11, 2012 in Nature Communications, scientists led by Rutgers University physicist Vitaly Podzorov report they have demonstrated extremely flexible organic semiconductors that withstood multiple bending cycles in which the devices were rolled to a radius as small as 200 micrometers. The scientists worked with numerous crystalline devices they made and found no degradation in their performance.

Podzorov claims his is the first rigorous study of solution-crystallized organic semiconductors under various types of strain -- sharp bending and repeated flexing along with compression and stretching. He acknowledges some earlier encouraging studies of mechanical robustness, but felt those lacked rigorous tests of flexibility involving different types of organic semiconductors, especially those that show the most promise for development of low-cost printed electronics. The scientists at Rutgers focused on two soluble small molecules (developed in the group of Prof. John Anthony at the University of Kentucky), depositing and crystallizing them on thin plastic sheets from solution, and claim the results should apply to numerous other organic formulations that researchers are investigating.

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L.A. All-Stars make this a West side story in NBA All-Star Game

West Team's Blake Griffin of theClippers dunks as East Team's Carmelo Anthony of the New York Knicks falls away during the first half of the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013, in Houston. ( (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan))

HOUSTON - Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and Kobe Bryant turned this NBA All-Star Game into L.A. story.

Paul had 20 points, 15 assists and won MVP honors, Bryant blocked LeBron James' comeback attempt, and the Western Conference beat the East 143-138 on Sunday night.

Kevin Durant scored 30 points and Griffin finished with 19, joining his Clippers teammate, Paul, in creating Lob City deep in the heart of Texas.

"You just want to play fast. I like to throw the lob. I like to see guys hit 3 s," Paul said. "When we're out on the court with all that firepower, why wouldn't you want to make passes? You've got KD filling one of the lanes, you've got Blake, Kobe on the wing. There's nothing like it."

James scored 19 points but shot only 7 of 18, Bryant blocking two of his shots late, after having no shooting troubles during the latter part of the season's first half. Carmelo Anthony led the East with 26 points and 12 rebounds.

"I think we played really good defense at the end of the game as a team," Durant said. "Kobe was really going with the ball. It's tough to stop LeBron, but he did his best. He was able to block a few of his shots. But CP did a really good job of keeping us in the game."

On Michael Jordan's 50 th birthday, the All-Stars threw down plenty of jams reminiscent of MJ's glory days.

The first dunk of the game came 16 seconds in, Paul throwing a pass to Griffin as part of the West's 7-0 start. The West led after each of the

first three quarters, though was never ahead by more than eight points through three periods.

They finally pushed it into double figures early in the fourth fueled by former Oklahoma City teammates Russell Westbrook and James Harden, but couldn't put it away until a late run behind the guys from the city of Los Angeles - who along with Lakers center Dwight Howard gave Los Angeles all but one of the West's starting spots.

Paul hit two 3-pointers, Bryant made a layup, and his block of James led to Durant's dunk that made it 136-126. Griffin had one last forceful dunk to help close it out, throwing a pass to himself off the backboard and climbing high in his neon green sneakers to slam it home and make it 142-134.

Harden had 15 points in his home arena, where the sights of the game were on the floor and the sounds were at the rim - which shook repeatedly after thunderous dunks for most of the game before, as usual, players tried to make some stops down the stretch.

Players' sneakers were a variety of pastels and fluorescent colors that looked like they came right from Easter Sunday church, many clashing so badly with their multi-colored socks that they may as well have been created by spilling out random

East Team's LeBron James of the Miami Heat is defended by West Team's Kobe Bryant of the Lakers during the first half of the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2013, in Houston. ( (AP Photo/Eric Gay))

paint buckets.

James and Dwyane Wade wore purple, and Griffin's neon look was also sported by the usually not-so-loud Tim Duncan and Brook Lopez.

But the NBA's high-flyers sure could leap in them.

Durant slammed one down so hard at one point that he stumbled backward after landing, appearing woozy. He came in as the career leader in points per game with 28.3 and may have won a second straight MVP award if not for Paul's big finish.

The Bryant-James duel down the stretch was a good one between the two players who are most often compared to Jordan.

"It was all in good spirit, man. It was just two guys that love to compete, love to go at it. So I had a lot of fun," James said.

Bryant finished with only nine points but had eight assists. Griffin shot 9 of 11 from the field and didn't miss until trying to violently throw one down from a few feet away from the basket.

Indiana's Paul George scored 17 and Kyrie Irving had 15 for the East.

Not everybody had it so easy. Chris Bosh shot two airballs in the first quarter and was booed, tossed up another in the second, and had Tony Parker dribble the ball through his legs on defense. He was even pulled down the stretch by his own coach, Erik Spoelstra, right after Bryant blew right by him for a layup.

Bosh finished 3 of 9. Wade had 21 points on 10-of-13 shooting, the best performance of the three Heat players in the starting lineup.

There were plenty of laughs, players performing comedic skits and poking fun at each other on the Toyota Center's massive overhead scoreboard. Even the celebrities that surrounded the court - Westbrook almost crashed into Beyonce and Jay-Z while trying for a first-half steal - seemed entertained.

Two of Houston's biggest basketball stars, Hakeem Olajuwon and Yao Ming, who was honored after the first quarter, and Olympic gold medalists Usain Bolt and Gabby Douglas were among the athletes who weren't in the game.

Players wore warmup jackets with patches commemorating their individual and team career accolades during a lengthy pregame that included a performance by Ne-Yo.

They actually warmed up twice, needing to get loose again after watching and being introduced during the elaborate show.

The game capped a weekend of change in Texas, where David Stern presided over his final All-Star game as commissioner and players' association executive director Billy Hunter was voted out of office - a result he seems likely to contest.

Boston's Kevin Garnett said before coming to Houston he thought his 15 th All-Star selection would be his last, and turned it over to the young guys early. He played only 6 minutes of the first half before calling it a night.


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Monday, February 18, 2013

Golden Gate: Jim Eddie appointed bridge district president

Talking to Jim Eddie at his Potter Valley ranch, one gets a sense of a man with a tremendous amount of history in the area. Delving deeper, one understands that the man's breadth of historical knowledge extends much farther, to the Bay Area and the Golden Gate Bridge, where he has been at home in a large board room and comfortable making far-reaching decisions for nearly two decades.

Eddie spent 20 years representing Mendocino County's 3rd District on its Board of Supervisors. Since then, he has spent 18 years on the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District board of directors, and in December was appointed board president for the first time.

"The bridge is the best example of government, when you get down to it," Eddie said. "Everybody who crosses that bridge pays for it, and consequently when something goes wrong, it's their bridge. People report problems to law enforcement; even if they see somebody being helped they put in a call ... People take that ownership because of being a paying customer."

His seniority on the board has earned him the appointment, a two-year term that will take him to a 20-year mark after which he plans to retire. In the meantime, Eddie said he means to take full advantage of the responsibility, and hopefully draw some of the bridge's immense flow of tourism dollars up to Mendocino County.

"I think Mendocino County now can feed off of the tourism dollars. There are some ways to do that. One thing I suggested is,

everybody packs a cup around," he said, referring to the gift shop's sales of the cups to ferry-goers. "We could put the Mendocino County website on it, and we might be able to get people to come north."

Today, San Francisco is California's No. 1 tourism draw, with some 10 million people visiting the Golden Gate Bridge annually, Eddie notes.

"Some weekends, there are 6,000 bikes on the bridge," he said.

The district also manages the seven ferries that carry people across the bay annually.

To illustrate how rare a position Eddie is in, the 19-member board is comprised of nine members from San Francisco and 10 from north of the Bay Area, including three from Sonoma County, four from Marin and one member apiece from Napa, Del Norte and Mendocino counties.

It was the first regional transportation district in the state, and was formed originally to include jurisdictions as far north as Mendocino County in order to garner enough tax revenue to afford the tremendous expense, estimated originally at $100,000. The final expense, according to Eddie, was $33.5 million in local taxes and bonds, at a time when bonds were hard to sell in a bad market.

The original board faced numerous political and practical obstacles, including the fact that the city of San Francisco's engineer at the time thought the bridge couldn't be anchored on the south side because of the 40-foot distance below the water's surface to a bed of shale rock that made setting anchor problematic. That didn't bother engineer Joseph Strauss.

"Strauss was the promoter, and he sold the idea to the counties," Eddy said, adding that the original design was a cantilever bridge. The district at the time hired engineer Charles A. Ellis, who told the district it couldn't be done because "the distance is too far, the weight is too great," Eddie recounted. "Strauss said, design me a bridge that will work."

Given six months to do so, Ellis set to work in 1927 to design the suspension bridge that is currently in place, connecting San Francisco and what is now Marin County.

"He couldn't figure out how much weight it would handle," Eddie said, smiling. "He used the weight of the new Cadillacs, five of them abreast ... and then he tripled that."

The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District was incorporated in 1928 by an act of the state Legislature to design, build and finance the bridge.

The bridge was finished in 1937. It held the record as the suspension bridge with the longest main span in the world, at 4,200 feet, until 1964, and is now the second-longest, surpassed only by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York City.

"It was a bridge built for commerce originally," Eddie said. "Now it's an icon. The architectural structure is something they built that no one would have thought of today. Strauss spent a lot of time deciding how the sun would hit it."

Eddie and his wife -- who later became his reason for joining the district's board of directors -- were among the roughly 800,000 people who came to walk the bridge in 1987 for its 50-year anniversary, but had to turn around and go back because of the unexpected, collective weight they posed to the formidable structure.

"Every once in a while you could feel it letting down," Eddie recalled.

Eddie represented Mendocino County's 3rd District on the Board of Supervisors from 1974 to 1994, and then his wife urged him to join the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District board of directors.

The district is in the last leg of a seismic retrofit that has so far cost about $700 million, according to Eddie, who estimates the expense will be over $1 billion by the time it's done.

Another recent change Eddie said took effect about a week ago is that the bridge went to electronic toll collection. Under the old system, drivers who inadvertently went through the FasTrak lane had a picture taken of their license plate and a violation notice mailed to them.

"Now, we're not saying it's a violation; we're saying, you're now a paying customer," Eddie said.

Tiffany Revelle can be reached at, on Twitter @TiffanyRevelle or at 468-3523.


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Top 10 Underhyped Windows Apps

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsSome apps are essential, and everyone who's anyone knows to have them on their computer. Some apps, however, are fantastic, yet fly under the radar. Today, we look at our top 10 underhyped apps on Windows.

We've shared our favorite underhyped webapps a few times before, but we were shocked to find we hadn't done the same for our beloved desktops. So, this week, we're tackling Windows. Come back next week to see our favorite underhyped Mac apps!

10. WizMouse

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsWizMouse is that app you never knew you wanted until you use it. It allows you to scroll in windows when you mouse over them, not just after you click on them?something OS X and Linux have built-in, but Windows is seemingly missing. It may seem trivial, but after using it for awhile, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. It'll even enable the mouse wheel in applications that don't support it, or even reverse the direction for the "natural" scrolling some people prefer. Check out our original post on it for more.

9. Skitch

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsSkitch isn't necessarily the best screenshot tool around, but it's long been our favorite screenshot annotation tool for the Mac, and now it's on Windows. It's amazing what a few well-placed arrows, text, and shapes can do when you're trying to explain something?and, while you could just do it in Microsoft Paint, Skitch makes it look good (and easy). If you use Evernote, the Evernote integration is pretty great too.

8. PotPlayer

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsYou've probably heard of PotPlayer before?after all, it's our App Directory pick for the best video player on Windows. Despite that, however, it seems to be a much lesser-known app that deserves more attention. It's fast, lightweight, and has more settings for tweaking your video than you can shake a stick at (plus it can play just about any video you throw at it). As such, it earns higher praise from us than more popular players like VLC, at least if you want those advanced settings. If you've been using another player and want more, PotPlayer is where you'll find it.

7. Bins

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsWindows' taskbar is still the best taskbar around, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Bins is a simple $5 app that adds a few really handy features to the taskbar, most notably the ability to group multiple apps into one square. Click on that square and it'll launch the primary app, but hover over it, and you can choose which app to launch. It's perfect for those that have multiple music players, photo editors, or other things that you don't want taking up space on your taskbar. Check out our post on it to see even more stuff that it can do.

6. Chocolatey

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsChocolatey brings Linux's lightning-fast, super configurable package management to Windows. What does that mean? It means you can install a ton of apps at once (perfect for clean installs) with no effort. Or, you can try out that new app without having to find its site, download the file, and install it yourself. Everything happens with just a few keystrokes. Check out the video to the left to see it in action.

5. Dexpot

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsDexpot is an awesome little utility that adds a ton of features to the windows on your desktop?and gives them all sorts of shortcuts. Its main purpose is to split your desktop up into four different workspaces, much like the Spaces feature on OS X or the Workspaces feature on Ubuntu. It can also make windows transparent, give you an Expos?-like view of all your open windows, and more. If your desktop is starting to feel a little cluttered with Windows, Dexpot is the perfect app to save your productivity.

4. Growl

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsGrowl is an incredibly popular program on the Mac, but its Windows version doesn't get a lot of attention?despite the fact that its grown into quite the notification system. Growl essentially puts all the popups, balloons, and other notifications on your desktop into one unified system that you can control, customize, sent to other machines, or even forward to your phone. It supports a ton of popular apps, and it's very easy to set up. Check out our guide to Growl for Windows for more info.

3. MusicBee

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsAt first glance, MusicBee seems like just another music player for Windows, but it's actually the perfect balance between the existing programs out there. It's fully-featured, like Winamp, but much lighter weight, and 100% free. It's not quite as customizable as foobar2000, but is much easier to use, and has more than enough customization features for the average user. It's even got a lot of tagging features for those that might be considering something like MediaMonkey. Plus, it syncs with Android phones superbly. Does it beat out any of these players at their specialty features? No, but it has a little bit of everything, is super lightweight, and is sure to fit into anyone's workflow. If you haven't found a music player you truly love, try it out. It was a contender in our Hive Five on desktop music players, but barely scraped together 6% of the final vote, so we're still considering it very underhyped.

2. Nircmd

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsNircmd isn't an "app" in the traditional sense of the word, but it's something we think every life hacker should have on their Windows computer. Essentially, Nircmd is a command line tool that performs all sorts of system functions with really easy-to-understand commands. Sound boring? Combine it with AutoHotkey?one of Windows' most deservedly hyped apps?and you can perform nearly any system task with one keystroke. You can open or close your CD drive, start your screensaver, put your computer to sleep, change the volume, speak the text on the clipboard, kill instances of any program, or perform over 70 other tasks. Check out Nircmd's full list of features to see what it can do, and check out our guide to integrating it with AutoHotkey to really make it awesome. Photo by Neil T.

1. OneNote

Top 10 Underhyped Windows AppsMicrosoft's note-taking application OneNote is one of those apps no one really talks about much, but is absolutely loved by everyone who uses it. Heck, you guys even voted it your favorite outlining tool, personal project management tool, and minutes meeting service, not to mention third place for best note taking app. It's available for a ton of platforms, too (despite it being part of Microsoft Office), so if you're finding that Evernote just isn't quite powerful enough for your organizational needs, give OneNote a shot?you might be surprised at everything it can do given its lesser-known status.


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